Lin Lang Sword Fairy's eyes have always been on Lin Fei's body.


The long sword in his hand came out of the sheath. The cold light on the sword was dazzling and full of killing intention. He pointed at Lin Fei.

"Draw your sword." He said.

Lin Fei calmly looked at Lin Lang Sword Fairy and said, "you are a unique genius. I don't want to embarrass you, and today's affairs have nothing to do with you."

"Don't listen to him!"

Hearing Lin Fei's words, those people immediately called out to Lin Lang Sword Fairy: "sword immortal, you must protect us."

"This man is a madman. You must protect us!"

As a result, Lin Lang Sword Fairy did not return, directly scolded: "shut up!"

The people behind him were in a daze and suddenly did not know what to say.

Because no one thought that they would be scolded by Lin Lang sword immortal. What does this mean?

These people don't understand.

Isn't Lin Lang Sword Fairy come to protect them?

"Their life or death has nothing to do with me. In my eyes, they are just a bunch of ants." Lin Lang Sword Fairy said coldly: "today I come here, just to defeat you!"

Hearing the words of Lin Lang Sword Fairy, those people did not believe it and staggered back two steps.

What did they just hear?

Lin Lang sword immortal, even said they are mole ants, do not care about their life and death?

Is this possible?

They wouldn't have believed it at all, but now it's what they've heard and seen with their own eyes.

"Hahaha --"

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing: "are you going to laugh me to death?"

"You want to be protected? Don't look at your own things, a bunch of rubbish, is it worth protecting? " Lin Fei said with a smile, "will you protect a group of garbage yourself?"


Hearing Lin Fei's words, these people were angry again.

"Smart tongued, wait...

before he finished, he was interrupted by Lin Fei. He said," wait, what, wait? I'll settle the Sword Fairy later, and I'll settle with you. I think it'll be over with such a simple matter? "

The gang immediately laughed: "just you? Do you think you are the opponent of Lin Lang Sword Fairy? "

Naturally, they are optimistic about Linlang sword immortal.

Because I know how powerful Linlang sword immortal is.

Lin Fei?

Who is that? It's just a nameless person.

"Draw the sword."

Lin Lang Sword Fairy said, his patience seems to be not much, long sword beside, he is walking towards Lin Fei step by step.

Lin Fei looked at each other's coming, saw the determination in the Sword Fairy's eyes, and couldn't help sighing.

"Why do you need it?"

The wooden sword in his hand is still not scabbard. It can be scabbard, but it is unnecessary.

Looking at the two figures getting closer and closer, here suddenly quiet down, all of us hold their breath and concentrate on looking at these two people.

What about Zhou's powerful sword?

They don't know, he can break the earth with a wave of his hand, presumably his strength is not weak.


Lin Lang Sword Fairy a big drink, people like lightning like split out, blink of an eye has come to Lin Fei in front of.


Even though his speed has reached the extreme, he is still blocked by Lin Fei's wooden sword.

Instead of retreating, Lin Lang Sword Fairy raised her foot and wanted to raise a foot.

But as soon as his feet were lifted up, Lin Fei's feet had already kicked his legs back.

"In terms of strength, you can't do it. You are far worse than speed." Lin Fei said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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