Lin Fei takes a power fruit from his pocket and gently puts it on the table.

"This is the reward." He said.

The front desk clerk was stunned.

"This is it!"

His pupils are trembling. Although his strength is not strong, he also has powers. Naturally, he can feel the vigorous power on the fruit in front of him.

"This one, this one needs the vice president."

He contacted the vice president in a hurry. The people in the guild knew the value of the power fruit.

With the advent of the end of the world, the power fruit can make people more powerful, and may be able to save lives at critical times!

And when the staff contact the vice president.

In the guild, many people are looking up and down at Lin Fei and the girl.

As soon as the fruit of a power appears, the amount of power overflows. All the people present can feel it, so they all notice the fruit.

"This fool, how dare you take out the power fruit."

In front of a group of powers, taking out the fruit of the power openly and uprightly is like walking into a beggar's nest alone with food.

A group of people were staring at the power fruit.

"If I can get the fruit of that power, my strength can definitely be improved by a large part!"

And in these people's thoughts, a middle-aged man rushed out, came in front of Lin Fei.

"Are you Mr. Lin?"

A power fruit is enough to attract the guild's attention.

Seeing Lin Fei nodding, he said quickly, "come with me."

Then he took Lin Fei away from here.

He looked at the power fruit in Lin Fei's hand, and his expression was strange.

"If I dare to take out the fruits of powers, I will not be afraid of them to rob them." Lin Fei said faintly, because he had mind reading skills, he could see what the middle-aged man was thinking.


The middle-aged man was stunned and surprised.

The other party knew what he was thinking!


"You think it's a coincidence." Lin Fei said again.

All of a sudden, the middle-aged man felt that his legs were soft, which could not be a coincidence at all. This man really could read his mind!

Because he read his doubts twice in a row.

He did not doubt that Lin Fei's mind reading skill was due to the power fruit in his hand.

The middle-aged man was not the first day when he was vice president, so he knew how hard it was to obtain the power fruit.

Even if not surrounded by several S-level powers, there must be a group of A-level and B-level powers.

Ten thousand steps back, the fruit of this power is in the wilderness. If there is no power, there will be many powerful monsters surrounding it.

Can snatch the power fruit from a group of powers or monsters.

Is this something ordinary people can do?

"Mr. Lin, please."

He took Lin Fei and the girl into a room, and then asked respectfully, "what kind of reward are you going to issue?"

What kind of reward needs a power fruit to reward?

"I just want to know if there are any powerful monsters around here." Lin Fei said that it's strong, but in fact he doesn't know what level of monster can be regarded as powerful.

After all, those things can't stop him.

"May I ask why you are looking for powerful monsters?" The vice president asked curiously.

"Because I want to get rid of them." Lin Fei said inexplicably, "don't you want them to come to my house for dinner?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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