
hearing Lin Fei's reason, the middle-aged man was a little confused.

As a vice president for such a long time, he is the first time to see someone to take the initiative to find a powerful monster to challenge.

Even the S-level members of the guild often make excuses and don't want to go out to participate in missions.

Now the S-level monsters are not the same as before, they are more powerful.

Even if you are an S-level ability, you must be careful when fighting, otherwise you will be in danger of falling.

The man in front of him even wants to take the initiative to attack!

"Well, isn't there something wrong with it?"

Vice President frowned and said, "now those monsters are very powerful. If you don't pay attention, you will die without a whole body."

"Thank you for your concern." Lin Fei said with a faint smile, "but I also have my reasons. I have to go."

The vice president was stunned again.

Your own reason?

He couldn't think of any reason why Lin Fei had to fight those powerful monsters.


is to protect mankind!

It may be a reason to protect those vulnerable humans.

But it's not enough for a strong man to do it.

In this way, Lin Fei is willing to stand up, he has to risk sacrifice, get rid of human opponents.

"You are a hero." Vice president can't help but lower his head. There are still too few strong people in human beings.

Lin Fei looks puzzled. He doesn't know where he wants to go.

I don't want to read my mind.

"Hero, don't worry. I will try my best to find information for you."

he doesn't want to disappoint Lin Fei.

"Thank you very much."

Lin Fei thanks, and then pulls the girl to stand up.

Now that the reward has been released, I have no reason to stay here. It's time to go back and come back to have a look in two days.

When Lin Fei took the girl back to the guild hall, all the people with powers here immediately looked at the two men.

There was a light in their eyes, but no one spoke.

Just quietly watching Lin Fei take the girl out of the guild.


When Lin Fei and the girl can't be seen, a cold word suddenly rings out here.

Then several people went out.

"It's like A-level tiger king." Someone with sharp eyes recognized the man who had just walked out.

Hearing the three words "king of fierce tiger", the faces of those present changed again.

"It's him

King tiger is the peak of A-level powers, strong, some people speculate that he is only under s level.

And he's not far from the S-class!

"If you let him get the fruit of this power, he will definitely become S-level!"

People in the guild couldn't sit still when they thought about it.

Originally, they also wanted to grab the fruits of powers, but now the king of tigers is out, the strongest under s level. How dare they speak?

Only to see.

"Maybe I'll be lucky to see a new S-class born."

"Go out and have a look."

People in the guild went out one after another to see the excitement.

Lin Fei takes the girl's hand and wants to make a change in this meeting. After all, he has never been here.

But at this moment.

Five people suddenly passed Lin Fei and the girl from the side and stopped them.

They were looking up and down at the two men with a kind look on their faces.

Girl Liu eyebrow a wrinkle, immediately block in front of Lin Fei, coldly looking at the five people in front of her.

She could sense the hostility of the other side and guess why these people were out in the way.

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