There was a sudden silence.

Because no one would have thought that the king of tiger would suddenly jump out of the ground and jump to Lin Fei like a tiger.

And most of all, the tiger king succeeded.

With all his strength, he punched Lin Fei in the chest.

"Surprise attack!"

"This man is dead. The king of tigers is famous because he has great power. If he is hit like this, he will be killed or injured!"

They don't think that Lin Fei can still be safe and sound after eating the tiger king's all-out punch.

But the next moment.

They all hold their breath and look at Lin Fei in disbelief.

Because they clearly saw, Lin Fei slowly raised his hand and caught the only arm of the king tiger.

"That's it?"

Lin Fei didn't exert any force, so he moved the tiger king's fist.

He looked at the tiger king lightly, said: "I thought your sneak attack can make any pattern, the result now looks, you let me down again."

The tiger king took out his hand, frowned tightly, and said, "you must be at the end of your strength now!"

"You can't have nothing to do with me!"

Listen to the tiger king's words, Lin Fei indifferent smile, said: "sorry, I really have nothing."

"What's more, your sneak attack was successful because I gave you a chance."

"I want to see what you can do, but I overestimate you."

Tiger king's pupil shrinks.

On purpose?

How could that be possible?

"I don't believe it. You must not be able to do it now!" Cried the tiger king.

He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it.

Because that's one of my best shots!

Lin Fei didn't want to continue to say anything. He just raised his hand and clapped it out.


This palm was clapped in front of the tiger king's chest.

There is no earth shaking sound, and there is no incomparable momentum.

But the tiger king's eyes, but suddenly a sudden!

Eyes are going to stare out!

Bang Bang -

he staggered back, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he had no strength at all.

People around are surprised. What's going on?

Lin Feigang's soft and soft palm is seriously injured by the tiger king?

It's impossible.

Because of that hand, it seems that there is no strength at all.

It's just a slap from Lin Fei.

But the next moment, people clearly saw that the invincible tiger king, suddenly knelt on the ground.

After all, the tiger king couldn't say a word.


Body forward to pat, a dull sound, lying in front of Lin Fei.

"Big brother!"

This scene is so sudden that several people behind the tiger king have just come back to their senses.

They quickly squatted on the ground, trying to help the King Tiger up, and found that...

the tiger king is dead!


Several people suddenly raised their heads and glared at Lin Fei.


Lin Fei didn't care, and said, "do you want me to send you to your brother?"

The body of these several people suddenly trembles, hastily squats down the head, the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

The tiger king was beaten to death by his hand. What kind of power is this?

They can't be rivals at all.


Lin Fei didn't look at the tiger king's body, and took the girl to leave here.

"The tiger king is dead?"

The onlookers around finally reacted.

Just thought that the king of fierce tiger was photographed dizzy, but he died?

"A hand?"

"I wipe, who is he?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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