Lin Fei and the girl strolled around in the meeting.

Just a slap to death the tiger queen, no one followed.

Although the power fruit is extremely precious, the life is more precious.

Life is gone, no matter how many power fruits are useless.

Good eyes fly in the back of the little girl. I don't want to know what's behind her.

Because when Lin Fei was in front of her, she said, "she is my woman.".

Then the girl from that time, has been in a daze to now.

Is Lin Fei saying such a thing?

In a flash, the girl had already thought of the children's names in the future.

She knew in her heart that Lin Fei had already accepted herself, and the result made her feel as sweet as honey.

Lin Fei didn't know that the girl thought so many things in her mind.

After a round of transition in the meeting, I didn't see any good things, but I saw many people living in dire straits.

Because they don't eat enough and wear warm clothes, many people are as thin as wood, and only skin and bone are left.

Lin Fei looked at these people and sighed in his heart.

If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself.

Even though there are a lot of things in my body, I can't save people all over the world.

Besides, I haven't been kind enough.

Looking down at the girl, her eyes are only sympathy, there is no need to help the appearance.

The girl understood.

If I hadn't met Lin Fei, I might have been one of them, even dead.

She can't even save herself, let alone others?

Buzzing -

at this moment,

Lin Fei's card vibrated because some news came.

He took out the card and looked at it. It was a message from the vice president of the guild, saying that there was a powerful monster.

"So fast?"

As soon as Lin Fei's eyes brightened, he underestimated the attraction of a power fruit and the search ability of a group of people.

"What's the matter?" The girl asked.

Lin Fei said with a smile: "the guild came to the news and found the hiding place of the powerful monster."

"That would be great." The girl said with a smile, "let's go back."

She knew that Lin Fei's plan was to find some powerful monsters, not to press for information from the gods, but to destroy the gods' plans.

If you don't believe it, you won't come out.

Back in the guild, the front desk staff immediately took Lin Fei and the girl to the reception room, because the vice president had already explained.

What's more, who doesn't remember the man who took out a power fruit directly?

Coming to the reception room, the vice president has been waiting for a long time.

Beside him, there was a young man, who looked about twenty years old.

"I'm waiting for you at last." The vice president said with a smile.

"Wait, I can't run away." Lin Fei was speechless and then said, "I heard you found the news I wanted."

The vice president looked at the young man next to him.

"Tell him."

Hearing the vice president's words, the young man came back to himself and looked at Lin Fei up and down.

This man is a little different from what he thinks.

He thought that the man who offered a reward with the fruit of a power was a white haired and peerless man.

Otherwise, no one is willing to give up the power fruit for news, which is too much to lose.

"I want to know, do you really have the fruit of power?" Asked the young man.

The vice president's face changed and he said, "of course it's true." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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