The young man didn't speak, just staring at Lin Fei.

When Lin Fei saw the disbelief in his eyes, he couldn't help sighing. After all, he took the fruit of the power.

There is no one of the most precious things in the last world.

For example, the young man in front of him may not have seen the fruit of power until now.

Doubt is normal.

Not everyone is like himself. The power fruit is used as a common fruit.

In my own place, the power fruit is also something precious.

"You don't believe it?"

Lin Fei smiles and takes out a power fruit from his pocket and puts it on the table.

Then he said, "now, do you believe it?"

When he saw the power fruit on the table, the young man's eyes were immediately attracted. His eyes moved with the power fruit and could not be moved.

Power fruit!

He seemed to smell the smell.

Unconsciously, his breath became heavy.

Even there seems to be a voice in his heart asking him to go up and take the fruit of the power.

But at this moment, he heard Lin Fei's voice.

The young man's body trembled and suddenly recovered.

"If your message is correct, the fruit of this power is yours." Lin Fei can see the man's mind in front of him.


The young man said, "my news is true. When are you leaving?"

"Now." Lin Fei didn't want to delay.

"Vice President?" The young man looked at the vice president next to him and asked for permission.

After all, the reward is issued through the guild.


The vice president just came to his senses at this time.

Just saw Lin Fei take out the power fruit, he was stunned.

Because, this is the second power fruit!

The first one is still in his custody!

He looked at Lin Fei, who had more than one power fruit.

The vice president found that he couldn't see through the young man more and more.

Strong as s, you may not get the power fruit.

But the man in front of him even took out two power fruits one after another.

How is this done?

Hearing the voice of the young man, the vice president suddenly regained consciousness.

He knew what they were going to do and said, "do you need help?"

"After all, it's an S-class monster."

Lin Fei stood up and said, "no need."

Then he looked at the young man and said, "lead the way."

The young man was worried and asked, "don't we really need to bring some more people?"

He was scared. It was an S-class monster.

Even the powerful S-level ability must be prepared to exist.

"If you're afraid, you can take someone." Lin Fei said with a faint smile, "but I don't know if you can keep the last power fruit."

The young man was stunned, and the secret in his heart was not good.

If there are more people going, he may not get the fruit of the power.

"Let's go alone, then." He said quickly.

"Not two." Lin Fei smiles and takes the girl's hand and says, "it's three people."

When the young man saw the girl beside him, his eyes were stagnant.

In this world, there is such a lovely girl!

However, when he saw the two people holding hands, he quickly withdrew his eyes and did not dare to think about it.

Honestly lead the way for Lin Fei.

"Brother, did you really beat that monster?"

There is still a little uneasiness in the young man's heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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