Fly away with Lin.

"You seem to be getting stronger." Lin Fei looked down at the girl and said.

Previously, he was going to let the girl freeze the monster, and then do it himself.

But did not expect, the girl directly frozen the monster into ice sculpture, and then blew up, the ashes were not left for each other.

This kind of strength has been tens of times stronger than when she awakened her powers.

The girl's cheek was slightly red, nodded and said, "every day I eat the fruit of power, and my strength will come up unconsciously."

In fact, she was also shocked. The monster was full of tentacles. It looked disgusting and powerful.

According to her intuition, the monster is at least S-level.

The girl did not expect that the monster of s level was killed by her directly.


One carelessly took down other people's factories.

"That's a good thing. Maybe you'll protect me in the future." Lin Fei said with a smile.

The girl smiles and says nothing.

Protect Lin Fei?

It's impossible. He's been protecting himself all the time.


Just as Lin Fei and the girl were ready to go back with the transmitter, there was a loud noise in front of them. Then they saw a fire rising from the back of the house.

"Gas explosion?" Lin Fei became curious.

But then he used perspective to see through several walls and see where the explosion was.

There are two groups there.

Although I can't hear what the people on both sides are shouting, judging from the angry expression on their faces, it should not be a fight between friends.

"Do you care?"

Lin Fei decides to leave. After all, Lin Fei doesn't know any of these two men.

"What's going on there?" The girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Is there a powerful monster over there?"

Hearing this, Lin Fei, who is preparing to take the girl to leave, is right. Maybe some people on both sides know about the powerful monster?

All of a sudden, I'm not in a hurry.

"Let's go and have a look." Lin Fei took the girl and flew over.

Close, Lin Fei finally heard the voice.

"Give up your virgin." A tall man said in a cold voice, "our Lord has orders to hand over your holy daughter, so that you may not die."

"The Lord?"

People on the other side sneered and said, "that monster?"

"What is his right to threaten us? Kill him sooner or later and tear him down! " There was a handsome young man over here.

"Look first."

Lin Fei listened to both sides of the words, suddenly came to interest, and took the girl standing on the top of the next floor silently watching.


The tall man sneered: "it is you who are ignorant. Our Lord is God."

"He got the will of the gods to wash this world."

"Bah." The handsome young man said, "go back to tell you the Lord, I will kill him in three days, and the ashes will be raised for him!"

Lin Fei, who was watching the opera upstairs, was very excited when he heard these words.

"This man is so domineering, too strong."

The girl was puzzled and said, "what's so domineering? Is it worth noting that it should not be the other side? Their Lord has instructions from the gods. "

"So it is." Lin Fei nodded and said, "wait a minute, we'll follow them back."

In fact, Lin Fei can use mind reading.

But he didn't want to jump between the two.

But this is the moment.

Suddenly there was a cold voice.

"Why do you want to hide since you are here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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