Seeing a girl's voice flying to the top of the building, she saw a girl's voice flying to the top of the building.

At this time, she is looking at herself!


Lin Fei was not surprised. On the one hand, he did not cover up his breath. On the other hand, he stood on the roof of the building. As long as he was not blind, he could see himself when he looked up.

"Go, go down."

Lin Fei took the girl's hand and jumped down from the top of the three story building and landed easily.

He looked at the woman who was talking.

The other side stood at the back, as if just came over, just a group of people did not find him, as a result, the woman saw himself.

This girl, it's something.


Junyi man over there, see Lin Fei jump down, but not a bit surprised, his side of the people first look at the direction of the woman.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Fei was surprised.

I didn't expect to find her just now. It turned out that she was the holy daughter of the handsome man.

If the full score is 10, she can only get 9 points, while the girl is 10.

The gap is too big.

The saint nodded, and then her eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"I don't know what you have been looking at?" She asked.

They fight, and as a result, someone watched the drama for a long time, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. Not only that, the men behind her also looked at Lin Fei with bad looks.

What do you mean?

Have you been watching it for a long time?

Think of yourself as a circus?

"By chance." Lin Fei laughed and said, "excuse me, I'll go now."

"Want to go?"

"If you hear what you shouldn't, you'll have to leave your life here!" Tall man over there, immediately yelled.

Lin Fei's eyes immediately fell on these people.

They're too weak, threatening?

Not at all.

Even if they stand still and let them fight, they are tired to death, they will not shed a drop of blood.

But he didn't wait for Lin Fei to talk.

The woman spoke first.

"You don't want to touch him with me." What she said was very aggressive and surprised Lin Fei again.

Looking back at this woman, is this to help yourself?

He did not have to read mind to know that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, presumably the woman was just hostile to himself.

But hearing what the other side said, he suddenly changed his mind.

Women do think so.

She intuitively told Lin Fei that it was not easy. If it was not for a glance, she really didn't know there was still a person standing on it.

When did you come? How long have you been here?

It's not something that ordinary powers can do?

"Ha ha."

Tall man sneer, way: "you oneself are difficult to protect, still say what insurance?"

The virgin just glanced across.

Then his eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"I'm a godly saint. Please respect your name." She said seriously.

Lin Fei stood silent for a moment, thought for a moment, and then said with a serious face: "I used to be the FGO, the only real man in the port area, the battleship splinter cleaner, the front-line bustard of Yaozi, the island dementia doctor of donkey, yin and Yang division...


"? "

Everyone present had question marks on their heads.

Even those who have been following Lin Fei are no exception.

Because of these things, she had never heard of them, or even heard of them mentioned by Lin Fei.

"Don't be surprised."

Lin Fei said solemnly, "it was a long time ago." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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