You're not as good as my girlfriend.

When hearing this sentence, the saint was stunned. What she was about to say was also stuck in her throat.

His girlfriend?

The saint's eyes fell on the girl beside him.

That girl, should be his girlfriend?

She has to admit that the other side is really much better than her own. Besides, she has not grown up yet. In a few years, she will be absolutely beautiful.

I'm afraid the most beautiful actresses before the end of the world can't compare with her.

"How dare you speak to the virgin like that?"

When the saint girl's heart was in retreat, the people behind her were not willing to. The handsome man said at the first time when he confronted the tall man.

He had been in love with the virgin, but now the saint has a good impression on the man in front of him, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Now this person, even dare to despise the saint?

"It's just..."

Lin Fei suddenly turned around, took a faint look at the man and said, "you want to say I want to die, don't you?"

The handsome man was stunned.

Lin Fei kicked the corpse beside him and said, "he just said I want to die. Now he is dead. Then you say I want to die. Do you want to die too?"

The man's body was shocked and suddenly recovered.

The tall man was a strong enemy, and even he was not sure to defeat him.

But in front of this man, it's just a punch!

His face was ugly, and he stepped back two steps, and in the end he was afraid to say anything.

Lin Fei's power made him afraid.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei didn't want to look at it again. He took the girl's hand and walked on.

At this time, the girl's pretty face was red.

"Just now he admitted that I was his girlfriend." Ye Yuxue has some excitement in his heart. He feels sweet and sweet, like eating honey.

"Brother, spare your life!"

See Lin Fei come, tall man over there left a few people, suddenly scared legs weak, all of a sudden sat on the ground.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Lin Fei said faintly, is he very fierce, is a devil who kills people everywhere?

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the faces of those people were all happy.

"But you have to answer me a few questions." Lin Fei said.

"Well, don't say a few, we'll answer you all in a dozen!" Exclaimed the men excitedly.

Lin Fei just a faint smile and said, "where is your headquarters?"

Asked this question, he directly used mind reading.

What if they cheat themselves?

Sure enough, as soon as the problem arises, they will inevitably think of a lot of pictures, even how to go.


before they could speak, Lin Fei waved his hand and said," it's OK. I don't want to know all of a sudden. "

I already know.

"Do yourself well." Then he left with the girl.

Although I let these people go.

But it doesn't mean that the opposite saint will let them go.

However, these things have nothing to do with themselves. I just pass by and have to find the monsters behind them.

Walking forward for a while, the girl looked at Lin Fei's side face from time to time.

Lin Fei was naturally aware of the girl's sight and asked, "what's the matter? Is there anything on my face?"


The girl asked nervously, "what is daota Ke and who is frost star?"

It was the first time that she heard the names of other women from Lin Fei's mouth.

So I was a little nervous.

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