Hearing the girl's question, Lin Fei was stunned. Suddenly he remembered a sand sculpture with a panda on it. He lit a cigarette with the caption "he lit a cigarette and talked about the past.".

Lin Fei also wants to light a cigarette now. Speaking of the past, but he does not smoke or smoke.

What's more, if you talk to girls about games, you may not understand them.

So he said with a faint smile: "it was a long time ago. I can't remember when it was. It's a story about the monitor of the school of magic."

The girl who came out of the book returned to the book after all.

Bullshit. Who can't.

Lin Fei's talk was full of hype, and the girl listened attentively.

Although I don't know why, but I understand that the other party is not his own rival.

Ye Yuxue was relieved.

According to the memory of those people, Lin Fei searched all the way and finally saw a familiar building in the afternoon.

Of course, he didn't come here. The reason why he felt familiar was that it was a picture in the memory of several people.

The few people came in and out of the building dozens of times.

"Is it here?" The girl took Lin Fei's hand.

"Yes, let's go in."

Lin Fei took the girl and strode forward. He didn't worry about traps.

Approaching the building, Lin Fei found that there were no zombies around. To be exact, he did not see any zombies all the way.

It's weird.

Through perspective, he saw a dozen people on the first floor.

From the appearance, it's all human beings. After the last lab thing, Lin Fei doesn't look at a person from his appearance.

Maybe the next second they'll be monsters.


When Lin Fei and the girl approached, someone immediately stopped them.

It was the dozen people on the first floor.

Their eyes suddenly fell on Lin Fei's body, but in a flash they moved to the girl's body.

Their eyes lit up when they saw the girl.

"What a beautiful woman!"

Subconsciously, he licked his lips.

And then look at Lin Fei, this man and the girl together, the relationship between them is absolutely not simple.

"The man doesn't seem to have any strength. Kill him."

One said, the other people's eyes have a red flash, has moved to kill.

Lin Fei had already seen what these people thought, but he didn't rush to do it. He just blocked the girl behind him and said, "call out your boss."

All of a sudden, he forgot the name of the boss.

Evil god?

The devil?

Can't remember, also lazy to think about, said: "you only have ten seconds."

"Ha ha."

After listening to Lin Fei's words, the dozen people just laughed and were not afraid at all.

"Just you?"

With disdain on their faces, the more than a dozen people sneered and said, "do you want to be enemies with us? Dare you challenge our God

"Any one of us will be able to hold you down on the ground and let you see that we have given your girlfriend to you!"

Lin Fei frowned.

Poo Yi -

without his hands, the speaker's head was spinning and flying.

Bang -

his head hit the ground heavily and bounced twice before he rolled aside, his face full of fear and amazement.

Then the man's body fell to the ground, stiff as iron.

The rest of the people were stunned.

"You have five seconds left."

Lin Fei didn't look at the head and didn't do anything about it. It was like being crushed by the wheel of a car.

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