"I have her. What else can you do?" Lin Fei takes Ye Yuxue's small hand and asks the saint lightly.

The girl's cheeks are reddish, which means that if you have yourself, you don't need another woman?

Ye Yu felt the sweetness in his heart, and the whole person was warm.

The saint took a look at Ye Yuxue, and her loneliness flashed through her eyes.

In terms of appearance, although she is not bad, can be regarded as a beautiful woman, but compared with the girl in front of her, she is still too poor.

It's just different.

I'm afraid it's hard to find a second girl who is so delicate and touching.

"I..." The saint opened her mouth and said nothing.


If you have nothing, what qualifications do you have to let others help you?

Looking at the lonely look of the woman in front of her, Lin Fei smiles again.

It's like seeing the girl hiding behind the window many years ago.

"Why should I help you?" Lin Fei asked her, "or, how can I help you?"


Ye Yuxue is a little surprised. He thinks that Lin Fei has already refused the saint. As a result, he takes the initiative to ask?


The saint was stunned, and then her lonely face was covered with excitement and hope.

She said quickly, "help me kill the leader."

"Others may not know, but in fact, my master is a monster. It is very powerful..."

Hearing that there are powerful monsters, Linfei will come to the spirit. If you say this, I will not be sleepy.

"Why don't you tell the union the news?" Lin Fei asked.

As a result, the saint shook her head and said, "no way."

"It's too strong. It's far more powerful than S-level. If you tell the trade union, it's just going to send the union to death, and that may infuriate it."

Lin Fei nodded. The woman in front of her was very thoughtful.

"Until I see you. If it's you, you can kill it." The saint looked at Lin Fei seriously and said.

"Lead the way." Lin Fei nodded.

Powerful monster, must die!

"Follow me, please." The saint laughed happily and led Lin Fei in front of her.

All the way forward.

Apart from the assembly, there were many zombies on the road, but they were all easily solved by the virgin and ye Yuxue.

It's just that no one talks.

Lin Fei couldn't stand the silence, so he opened his mouth and asked the virgin, "where are your parents?"

The saint was stunned.

Then she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "dead."

"How did you die?" Lin Fei then asked.


Ye Yuxue was stunned again.

Don't you apologize when you hear this answer, because it's someone else's sad thing.

The Virgin was obviously stunned.

But he still gave a bitter smile and said, "it was the first time that my father didn't come back, so my mother went to him..."

After that, Lin Fei also guessed.

It's just that her mother found her husband who had become a monster and was killed.

"It's time to change." Lin Fei patted her on the shoulder.

"It's OK." The virgin laughed.

It was stronger than he thought. Lin Fei looked at her in surprise.

"How can you expose a scar like this?" The girl stood beside Lin Fei, twisting the soft meat around Lin Fei's waist.

Lin Fei laughed and said, "curious."

"Here it is."

Just then the virgin stopped.

Lin Fei and ye Yuxue immediately look forward to see a gorgeous villa.

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