Looking from afar, I can see that the villa is clean and beautiful, which is totally different from those abandoned for several months.

"I can't see that your leader can enjoy it." Lin Fei said with a smile.

The saint also just smiles, she dare not say anything more, because she knows that the person in front of her is a strong one.

"I'll take you in."

After that, she pushed open the iron door of the villa and motioned Lin Fei and the girl to go in.

"You brought guests here."

At this time, the villa, suddenly came out a magnificent, and very indifferent voice.

The Virgin was startled.

But before she could speak, the voice continued, "it seems that you have forgotten what I once told you."

"I know you told me not to bring people here." The virgin bit her teeth.

"But you're still bringing people." The voice said.


The saint glared at the villa in front of her eyes and said, "I've brought someone here to kill you!"

The sound suddenly disappeared.

"Hahaha --"

then a burst of laughter came out from the villa, and the whole villa was shaking with laughter.

Lin Fei looks at a burst of surprise, is this villa in the end laughing?

"You want to kill me with these two men?"

The voice said, "in that case, I will kill these two people in front of you and cut off your hope."

Poof -

just after the sound fell, the ground suddenly broke open in front of the courtyard, and several rickety hairless monsters jumped out of the soil.

They are like hairless monkeys. They are very ugly.

"Be careful, this is the nameless." "They have a strong defense in dark places, only light can weaken them," she frowned

Then he looked up.

Cloudy, where is the sunshine?

These monsters are sending out a trace of black gas, a jump, is fast approaching.

"Not good." Virgin way.

But at this time, Lin Fei said, "since you have called me here, please have some confidence in me."

"If you doubt me, you are doubting yourself."

He went to the virgin and waved his hand, and there was a breeze.

The nameless, who came quickly, suddenly split into two parts.

"That's it?"

Lin Fei looked at the villa and said in a loud voice, "roll out quickly. I can still leave you a whole body."

"If I look for you and make sure you're dead, the villa will be ruined."

"What a big voice!"

A cold hum came from the villa.


The next moment, the courtyard vibrates, and a two meter high monster emerges from it.

When he saw this, Lin Fei's eyes narrowed.

Because it's familiar.

Isn't it the monster that used to breed by parasitism?

Or because ye Yuxue, he will encounter this monster.

But in front of me, this one is more fierce, full of killing intention and black air, like the God of death coming out of hell.

"My name is king of death."

The monster said, "come on, tell me, how do you want to die?"

"We will not die, but you. How do you want to die?" Lin Fei asked.


The king of death sneered, and then looked at the virgin and said, "if you bring me trouble, I will kill you first."

As soon as its tail was lifted, it threw out a mass of dark green liquid and went straight to the saint.


But on the way, Lin Fei put out a fireball and burned the liquid completely.

"You can't kill her with me." Lin Fei said.

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