"You're different from anyone I've ever met." The monster said coldly, "you are stronger."

"Maybe we can sit down and have a good talk."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "what can you talk about if you are not alone or ghost free?"

"What good did she give you to make you so determined to fight against me?" The monster said again.

"No good." Lin Fei said faintly: "it's just that she reminds me of a little girl."

The Virgin was slightly stunned.

Does he look like his friend?

Ex girlfriend?

Or someone who makes him feel guilty?

Ye Yuxue frowns slightly. Is this woman like Lin Fei's ex girlfriend?

"Friend?" Asked the monster.

"No As a result, Lin Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know her, I don't know her name, or even her appearance."


It's not just the monster that's confused.

Even the saint and ye Yuxue feel that they can't turn their minds.

Don't know, don't know the name, even what the company commander doesn't know, how can you think of her?

"At that time, I was a hunter. When I came home at night, I passed a house. There was a trace of light in the window. There was a shadow behind me. That was the girl."

Lin Fei said slowly, "she asked me to help her find her parents."

"And the last thing I found was her father who became a monster."

"I didn't want to tell her the truth, so I said I didn't find it..."

"Later, I killed a toad the size of a buffalo in front of a sewer. In its stomach, I found the girl's ribbon."

Lin Fei sighed.

"To be honest, I felt really bad at the beginning, so I went back to help her again."

"But I tried all kinds of ways, and she was doomed to die and never see the sun the next day."

He looked at the monster and said, "it was at that moment that I realized that even if you could chop a God on the ground, you couldn't save a little girl."

When he saw the little girl's ribbon, Lin Fei was very upset.

Back to save people, the result is still not.

Lin Fei, who doesn't believe in evil, then searches the Internet for strategies. How can this little girl live?

As a result, all strategies said that the girl must die.

Angry Lin Fei immediately scolded "old thief Miyazaki"!

After the game was cleared, I never played it again.

Although it is a story, ye Yuxue, the saint and the monster all heard different contents.

"It turned out that he just felt that my experience was just like that girl..."

"It's a kind of compensation for that girl, not like me."

The saint's heart is very lost.

But the monster has a dignified face. It stares at Lin Fei and says, "look back on the time and cut down the gods?"

How can these things be possible?

"What are you talking about!" Said the monster.

"Although I can't do it back in time, I still have the confidence to beat the gods." Lin Fei said with a faint smile.

"Don't insult the gods." The monster said angrily.

"It seems that the gods have given you dreams." Lin Fei said, "you will die even more."

When the voice drops, Lin Fei will start.

But it's at this point.


A white light suddenly fell from the sky and fell on the monster.

The air waves were rolling, and Lin Fei couldn't help stopping.

Because he saw an acquaintance.

Miss mask.

She appeared again, in front of Lin Fei, and that white light was just what she brought.

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