
In the white light, suddenly came out a roar.

The next moment, the white light dissipated, and a bigger monster was in front of several people.

Under the enhancement of white light, the monster's body skyrocketed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a five meter high monster, and its skin also had qualitative changes.

It's black and shiny. It's like armor made of steel.

"I am invincible!"

The monster laughed.

He showed an invincible smile.

However, Linfei did not pay attention to it at all. Compared with this monster, the mask lady in front of her is more dangerous.

After all, she was a God.

"You already know in your heart that you can be my opponent, but this thing can't be." Lin Fei said to miss mask.

The mask lady remained silent.

From the time she appeared, she didn't speak hard to Lin Fei.


Just when Lin Fei wanted to continue to say something, the monster came.

As if he could not see Miss mask, he passed by her and stabbed Lin with his claws like lightning.


As a result, Lin Fei didn't avoid it, but the claw seemed to be stuck on the steel. With a crisp sound, the monster staggered back.

"That's it?" Lin Fei glanced at the monster.

Then his eyes fell on Miss mask's hands and said, "what's the difference between this and before it's not strengthened?"


Just as the voice dropped, Miss mask suddenly moved.

She suddenly disappeared, the next moment, the tall monster suddenly exploded, as if hit by something, bloody.

A white figure appeared in front of Lin Fei, a light wind blew past his cheek.


After that, Lin Fei heard an explosion behind him.

Miss, she did not step back. She did not show any hostility.

With a touch of the toe, the man disappears into the air in front of him.

Lin Fei can only turn around at this time.

What we can see is a piece of ruins. Half of the city was destroyed just after Miss mask's casual chapter.

Fortunately, the rally is not in this direction.

"Are you all right?"

The girl eased over from her absence and ran to Lin Fei's side. She asked anxiously, "is there any pain? Did you get hurt? "

Even though she believed that Lin Fei was invincible, she was still nervous at this moment.

It's just a slap, it's easy to destroy half of the city.

"I'm fine." Lin Fei said with a smile.

In fact, he just felt the danger.

It was a fatal danger, which made his hair stand up almost subconsciously.

But that gust of wind, like the warm sunshine, suddenly let him relax all his vigilance.

Looking back, the mask lady has disappeared.

How did she do it?

The Virgin was frightened by the scene and sat on the ground, unable to return to God for a long time.

What happened just now?

"She, who is she?" She took a hard swallow.


Lin Fei thought for a while and said, "maybe it's a God."

"God?" The saint was shocked.

"Well, she's here for me. It's none of your business." Lin Fei said, "now that the trouble has been solved, I wish you all the best in the future."

Leave this sentence, he pulls Ye Yuxue to leave here.

The saint's affairs were solved by hand.

Now he cares more about the masked lady.

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