He appeared several times to strengthen his enemy, as if he wanted to stop himself.

But she never took it seriously.

At least Linfei has never felt the killing intention from her.

Not even hostility.

"What's the matter with that man?" Ye Yuxue said angrily: "wearing a mask all day, but also a white robe, a look of shame."

"When I get stronger, I'll give her a good beating."

For the mask miss, ye Yuxue has no good feeling in her heart.

From the first sight, I feel uncomfortable.

It is too much to jump out and obstruct Lin Fei one after another.

I'm very angry.

After listening to the girl's words, Lin Fei just laughed.

But her voice just fell, a white light, suddenly fell in front of two people.

The mask lady suddenly appeared and clapped it out.

Lin Fei is very quick and claps the same.


Two palms collide, huge power comes, Lin Fei even staggers backward two steps.

The chilling chill spread from his palm, and half of his arm was frozen to ice in the blink of an eye.

"Not good!"

He saw that Miss mask reached out to catch Ye Yuxue. He did not care about her frozen arm. He quickly stretched out another hand to pull the girl.

But this is the moment.


A crisp sound.

The world was suddenly frozen by ice and turned into ice and snow.

The cold air made Linfei tremble.

But these are not the most important, the most fatal is that he found himself unable to move.

The time here seems to be frozen by the ice!

In front of Lin Fei, Miss mask reaches out and grabs Ye Yuxue. She jumps up and disappears into a white light.


As soon as Miss mask disappeared, all the ice here exploded.

Without any hesitation, he followed the direction of Miss mask who had just left.

But nothing, nothing to see.

Lin Fei falls to the ground and blows up all the zombies in a street. He takes a deep breath and finally calms down.

What's going on?

Why did miss mask suddenly appear and take ye Yuxue away?

Did she hear what ye Yuxue just said?

"Just did not feel hostile, that means she should not hurt snow

"If she wants to do something, she just has 10000 ways to kill me, or you can kill Ye Yuxue. There's no need to catch her."

After confirming that ye Yuxue is not in danger, Lin Fei's mind is stable again.

But then the question is, how can I find Ye Yuxue?

"Kill the gods?" So he thought.

Then he shook his head. It was unrealistic. There may not be any divine world here.

"What is her purpose?"

Lin Fei changes an angle. Why does Miss mask want to catch Ye Yuxue? What's good for her?

"Threatening me?"

It should not be.

Miss mask is powerful and can be invincible just by freezing time and space.

It's easy to defeat yourself with such strength.

"To lead me away?"

This is most likely.

"If it's to lure me away, it's bound to leave some clues."

Just now, Miss mask came and went in a hurry, leaving nothing behind.

"It must have been somewhere else."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei's eyes suddenly lit up and thought of a place!


He immediately returned to the cabin with a transmitter and found that the door had been opened.

Go in.

Lin Fei was stunned.

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