No flying, this is Lin Fei never thought of.

Is the modifier broken?

He didn't think about this possibility at all. He never had a problem with the modifier along the way.

So there's only one possibility, and that's what Miss mask did.

Just, when was it?

"Was it the time before the fight?" Lin Fei murmured. Only then did miss mask meet himself.

Maybe it was at that time.

"How to untie it?" Lin Fei is lost in thought.

Finally gave up.

He has never studied this modifier, and it really won't unlock those functions. He has to tie the bell to get rid of it. He can only go to miss mask.


Just as Lin Fei was preparing to go to the meeting, the voice of the modifier suddenly rang out in his mind.

"Due to the backward version, some features will be upgraded. The end time is unknown."

"During the upgrade process, the usage will not be affected."

The modifier suddenly made such a sound, which attracted Lin Fei's attention.

Open it now.

Except for flight, all other functions are still displayed as "on".

I don't know when to upgrade, and I don't know what the modifier will look like.

But one thing can be sure that after this upgrade, some functions will not be forced to shut down.

Lin Fei didn't stop. He saw the direction of the rally and went quickly.

Flight is one of the functions of the modifier, but it is not all. It can't fly. It's just that there are some troubles in the way.

Big deal, can drive invincible and super speed, all the way through.

The rally is still that rally, but this time back, Lin Fei's mentality is completely different.

He walked into the union, went straight to the staff and asked, "tell me, where are the demons?"

The staff was frightened by the fierce Lin Fei.

If you want to answer, you can't say why. If you don't have a map, how can you say it?

It's useless to tell you the latitude and longitude.

"You want to go to Mordor?"

At this time, the vice president came over and asked in surprise.

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded.

"If you don't know where the demons are, it's hard to tell."

"But it's a coincidence that some of us are going to Mordor. You can go with them."

"They know the way to Mordor."

With the help of the vice president, Lin Fei met the people who wanted to go to Mordor.

Several men, a tall black horse, and a cart of goods behind.

"This little brother wants to go to Mordor. You just know the way. Take him there."

The vice president said with a smile: "and he is very strong, can protect you all the way without injury."

Even the vice president didn't want Lin Fei to leave, but he could see that Lin Fei was in a hurry.

The girl who had been following him silently before disappeared. He could guess something, so he took the initiative to help Lin Fei.

"No problem." Several people happily agreed to come down.

"Take care on the way." Vice President patted Lin Fei on the shoulder.

Thank you very much Lin Fei said.

When the vice president left, a middle-aged man came to Lin Fei and said, "little brother, do you really want to go to Mordor with us?"

Lin Fei nodded. It was written on the note that he had to go. He had to go!

"When the sun rises tomorrow morning, gather here."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then he stood here for a day.

Until dawn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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