"So early?"

When those people came here, they saw Lin Fei standing here for the first time, and looked surprised.

I thought it must be a very troublesome person introduced by the vice president.

I didn't expect to have such a sense of time!

The impression of Lin Fei in these people's hearts immediately improved a lot.

"Just arrived." Lin Fei smiles.

Nobody knows. He stood here all day.

Because of the modifier, he will not be tired and sleepy, not to mention standing for a day. If the girl can come back, it doesn't matter if she can stand for ten thousand years.

"Are you ready?"

In the future, we all have a way to communicate with morlin

"This time, it's a bad time to go out."

No matter when, information is very important, and the flow of information is the top priority.

Only by allowing information to flow can people unite again against the end of the day.

Lin Fei nodded.

"Don't worry, you are the vice president's person, we will protect you." The middle-aged uncle said with a smile.

Lin Fei smiles politely.

Although the end of the day brought people despair, but also gave them a glimmer of hope, so that they can save the last bit of humanity.

And the legend of the world's first, spread again and again, let them clearly see that wisp of hope.

Lin Fei got into the car, and the horse took a step and left with a group of people and a load of goods.

Lin Fei took a look at the horse. It was much bigger than an ordinary horse. It was as tall as an elephant.

Pulling nearly tons of goods, the pace is still brisk.

"We had a hard time getting this horse." Someone explained, "this horse is not only strong and fast, but also can warn of threats, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, like some kind of auspicious beast."

Out of the meeting, several people were on guard at once.

The assembly can be said to be very safe, but out of the assembly, that is to say, every day should not be called, the earth is not working.

If it's just a unicorn horse, it's far from enough to save their lives.

In fact, they have been back and forth several times, already familiar with the road.

So there was no accident until evening.

But there were many zombies on the road.

Several people on the car are extraordinary, did not let Lin Fei, they easily solve.

"Don't be nervous." Someone patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said, "Uncle Zhang is an S-level power."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

The middle-aged man chuckled.

Called the S-level ability, he seems a little embarrassed?

"It's getting dark. Let's find a place to rest." Said the captain.

After a day's walking, the kylin horse has already left the city and is now in the wilderness.

But they did not panic, the captain said: "there should be a village ahead."

After all, they have been back and forth several times, and they have already found a good place to rest.

Lin Fei followed them into a village.

The village is desolate, there is no one, and many houses have collapsed.

It's like being abandoned for hundreds of years.

Lin Fei glanced around with perspective, and the zombies were far less than those in the city.

"Two people to eliminate the threat around here, the others with me to clean up." The captain ordered.

Lin Fei followed the captain to a house.

The house is cleaner and tidier than its surroundings.

Obviously they used to live in this house.

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