
Yun Ruoyan was really scared by the scene in front of her. Who could have thought that Lin Fei would suddenly blow up the ghost house?

In this way, the things inside must die, right?

"What if he didn't die?"

At this time, Lin Fei murmured, and then jumped up again. He rubbed out a supernova.


Another loud noise, the earth shaking, flames rising, hot air swept, forcing clouds like smoke to block the face of several steps back.

Seeing the red flame beating, the fire can burn for at least three days.

"All right."

Lin Fei fell down from the sky, patted the dust on his hand, took out the card and said to the union.

"When I was cleaning the house, I met a cockroach and accidentally blew up the house..."

Just make an excuse and send it to the union.

"You, are you ok?"

See Lin Fei come, cloud if smoke this just return to God, some nervous ask a way.

"What can I do for you?" "Let's go. There's nothing to be nostalgic about here," Lin Fei said


Cloud if smoke should a, immediately take Lin Fei to leave here.

But when I left, I didn't worry about returning several times, for fear that the things inside didn't die clean.

"Don't you worry?" Lin Fei saw what she was thinking and said, "I'll make it up again."

After that, we'll do it.


Yun Ruoyan quickly grabbed Lin Fei's arm and said, "brother, calm down, the things inside must be dead. You'd better not waste your powers like this."

Lin Fei nodded, and finally did not make a move.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he saw another villa.

"That's my villa." Yun Ruoyan said, although it was only given to her by the labor union.

"Cleaner than mine." Lin Fei thinks that it's true that the local S-level ability is better paid than an outsider.

Other people's houses are clean, tidy and spacious, while ours are dead or ghost houses.

Is the trade union afraid of loneliness?

Yunruoyan takes Linfei into the villa. Sure enough, it doesn't feel so cold.

At least there was not that gloomy chill.

"I've lived here for a month, and there's absolutely no problem here." Cloud if smoke clapped chest assurance way.

It's just that she's too old.

If we say that the young girl Ye Yuxue is a small lotus, then the clouds in front of her are two mountains.

"How old are you?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.


Cloud if smoke willow eyebrow suddenly a wrinkle, some unhappy stare at Lin Fei, way: "what do you want to do?"

"Is it a secret not to know the age of a girl?"


Lin Fei apologized immediately. Although he said so, he had already heard her age through mind reading.

"19 years old..."

At the age of 19, I had such a great achievement.

"You can find a room on the first floor." After entering the living room, Yun Ruoyan and Lin Fei said, "I live on the second floor. If you have something, you can come to me."

After that, she helped Lin Fei clean up the room.

"That's very kind of you." Lin Fei said.

Invite the man who met for the first time to go home and even help people clean up the house.

Even though I know I'm handsome and strong, I still haven't fallen in love at first sight?

"I went up."

Yunruoyan left Lin Fei's room and went back to his room, happily lying on the bed.

"I've finally got someone to accompany me, so I'm not afraid of the night coming!"

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