When Lin Fei is invited to go home, she naturally has her own selfishness.

Lin Fei didn't use mind reading everywhere, because when using this ability, it seemed that hundreds of people were talking in their ears at the same time.

So he didn't see what Yun Ruoyan really thought.

After simply cleaning up the room, he sat down in the courtyard outside the villa.

He is waiting for Miss mask and ye Yuxue.

But he didn't see anyone until sunset.

"It's dinner."

At this time, the voice of cloud like smoke came from the villa.

"Well." Lin Fei answered and went back to the villa. No one should be here today.

On the dining table of the villa, there are two bowls of porridge, nothing else.

Said that is porridge, also reluctantly, more like rice water, at a glance, did not see a few grains of rice.

Lin Fei looks at Yun Ruoyan in doubt.

She is an S-level ability, the most important person in a rally. The trade union can't treat such a person badly. Food and clothes are absolutely enough.

But what's going on right now?

"Eat it." Seeing the doubt on Lin Fei's face, Yun Ruoyan blushed for a moment and said with some embarrassment: "this is the dinner tonight."

"The union didn't give you food?" Lin Fei asked.

"No Yun Ruoyan shook his head and said, "it's just given to others. Many people outside have nothing to eat..."

Lin Fei understood that he was so kind.

Or is it stupid?

"So you have enough to eat?" Lin Fei asked.

"I'm an S-class ability. It's OK not to eat." Clouds are as hard as cigarette butts.

"Forget it." Lin Fei shook his head and said, "after all, the S-level power is a human, not a God. He will be hungry and tired."

Unless it's on.

Yun Ruoyan's face turned red again.

"Are you eating or not?" She was suddenly justified.

"No more." Lin Fei calmly replied, "I'm not hungry, you eat."

He only ate the food made by Ye Yuxue and others, so he was not at ease.

"You just said you would be tired and hungry." Cloud if smoke can't help but white Lin Fei one eye.

"I'm not the same." Lin Fei said, "I have a plug-in."

"Crooked melon?"

"What is that?"

Cloud Ruoyan looks puzzled, but Lin Fei does not intend to explain.

She quickly ate two bowls of porridge, and then looked at Lin Fei and said, "it's getting dark. If you're OK, don't go out and go to bed early."

Then he went into the kitchen with two bowls.

Lin Fei didn't ask why.

What sleep? Night life is just beginning!

"So full?" Naturally, he didn't believe it.

Not only did he not intend to go to bed like this, but he also planned to burn a bath.

In the past ten days, he had never taken a bath. If it had not been for his ability to keep himself clean at all times, he would have smelled.

Into the kitchen, the tools are complete, he took a half meter wide pot, and went out.

Bang bang bang bang.

There was a loud noise and he put the pot in the yard.

Then with a snap of the finger, the water molecules in the air immediately agglomerate and fill the whole pot.

Oil hit a ring, the flame suddenly from the bottom of the pot up, burning fiercely.

At this time, it was dark, but the yard was full of lights.


When the water was about to boil, a voice of shock came from behind: "what are you doing?"

"Boil water." Lin Fei looks back and sees Yun Ruoyan wearing loose pajamas. He looks at himself in shock.

After a glance, he turned around.

I don't dare to see more, because it's too big

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