Yun Ruoyan told him that many people had entered the mountain.

The result has never appeared again, perhaps appeared, because has become those lifeless paper man.

When he came, Lin Fei had seen hundreds of figures wandering in the assembly.

I thought that was all.

He guessed that many people went up the mountain at the beginning, but he never thought that there would be so many!

All over the mountains and fields!

At a glance, the number can not be finished, absolutely over a thousand!

What's more, things here seem to be more advanced, and many of them are still in human shape.

It seems that the puppet and human beings are not moving here.

"This is a forbidden area."

Just as Lin Feigang raised his feet and wanted to move forward, a cold voice sounded from behind.

When Lin Fei looked back, he saw a figure behind him.

It was the figure of a puppet.

They have no life, they are not people, so they walk quietly.

Lin Fei didn't realize the other party until he spoke.

But the man did not seem to intend to argue with Lin Fei.


With a loud noise, the mountain forest trembled, and the ground under the man's feet suddenly exploded.

But he was like a flash of lightning. He rushed to Lin Fei's face, stretched out a hand as hard as a dead tree, and caught Linfei's head.

"Those who break into the forbidden area will die!"

The puppet said so, and then he put his hand on it.

Lin Fei clearly felt the amazing killing intention on the other side, which was about to condense into essence. The terrible killing intention made the night here even colder.


There was another loud noise, and the puppet exploded.

It was smashed by Lin Fei.

"Trying to take my head off?" Lin Fei was a little puzzled. He was so ferocious that he just wanted to take his head off with his hands.

"But then again, it's amazing."

Lin Fei frowns. The opponent's strength is comparable to that of S-level power.

Because strengthening the bull is also the strength of this level.

"Forbidden area?"

Lin Fei's eyes fell deeper.

"Is it the forbidden area of that evil god? Then I'll go in more. "

He took a big step forward.

But at the next moment, the mountain forest on his left suddenly exploded, and a figure came crashing in, and all the trees along the way were smashed.

Another puppet, using his shoulder to open the road, smashed everything in front of him.

Lin Fei has seen it for a long time. Under the perspective function, everything 100 meters underground can be seen clearly.

So he raised his left hand and blocked the man's shoulder.


Although Lin Fei blocked this man's attack, his strength still passed through Lin Fei's body and broke the forest on his right.

The ground under Lin Fei's feet was even more miserable, and a big hole was blown out.

Before he could deal with the puppet, Lin Fei felt something and looked up.


A streamer came from the sky.

In a flash, it was another puppet. His body was spinning in the air, and his long leg was like a blade.


He fell down quickly and slapped Lin Fei's head.


The ground under Lin Fei's feet exploded again, so he was half a meter deep in the ground, and the whole forest was shaking.

He was really surprised.

The human puppets here, one by one, are as powerful as fierce beasts.

If you jump out of it, you can sweep S-level monsters, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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