If it was someone else, it would have been blown up.

But Lin Fei is invincible.

Even if these attacks were no match, there was no way to hurt him half a point.

"It's over."

Lin Fei said so. Then he pushed with his left hand, and the puppet hit by his shoulder immediately left the ground.

Boom -

he turned into a streamer and flew back at a faster speed than before, smashing one forest after another.

There are also many puppets who are coming. They are also smashed by this streamer.

After driving thousands of meters, the streamer stopped, and DNA forest flew to take a look at it.

Because he raised his hand and caught the leg on his head.

The power of this puppet is so terrible that he can shatter the ground under his feet even by himself!

When he caught the other's leg, the puppet was still struggling.

He kicked his other foot and kicked it directly in Lin Fei's face.

You want to step on your face?

Lin Fei will not let this happen.

So, he swung his right hand hard, like an over shoulder fall, caught the leg of the puppet and slapped it heavily on the ground.

The puppet's face was down, and it was his face that touched the ground first.


With a loud noise, the mountain forest vibrated, and the puppet had already exploded.


Not waiting for Lin Fei to clap off the dust on his hands, in the night, suddenly came a piece of broken wind.

Lin Fei immediately turned back and looked up.

In the dark night, he saw hundreds of figures leaping up and plunging towards here.

"No more playing with you."

Lin Fei said, as the voice fell, two lights lit up half of the forest.

Because two bright balls of light appeared in his hand.

The light is dazzling, the sun seems to be caught in the hands of Lin Fei.

Even a few miles away, people in the assembly noticed the situation here.

Many people dare to come out to check the situation.

The reason is that a minute ago, all the paper people in the meeting raised their heads and looked towards the mountain. Then they all left and disappeared in the dark in a blink of an eye.

At that time, people were very strange, but now they see the light in the mountains.

And they all understand.

This is because there is a problem on the other side of the mountain. In the endless darkness, a flash of light like the sun suddenly appears, and the evil god encounters a big problem?

Lin Fei grabs two rays of light and throws them at the hundred shadows in the sky.


Two golden lights were thrown several kilometers across, crossing and passing through the puppets.

When the golden light disappears in Lin Fei's hand, pieces of incomplete figures fall from the sky.

That's the puppet.

They are no longer human beings, just mechanical things.

I don't know pain, no emotion, no flesh and blood.

Because these things will only affect their combat effectiveness.

"What happened on the barren mountain side?"

Inside the meeting, a group of people, big eyes, small eyes, a face of doubt.

They all know that the barren mountain is a forbidden area. Now the root of all kinds of strange events in the assembly is in that barren mountain.

But there is an evil god in the barren mountain, and no one can beat it.

What's wrong with golden light?

"Is there another God coming?"

If they don't understand, they are curious and even want to go and have a look.

And Lin Fei.

After solving the hundred figures in the sky, I found that there were more ahead.

Looking back, we can see hundreds of paper people coming towards us!

"There are so many of you, you're slipping away, you're slipping away."

Lin Fei no longer hesitated, and flew away immediately. It was not that he couldn't beat him, but that he felt too much trouble.

"I'll go back and find a helper."

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