"Help, I'm in heaven, I'm afraid of heights!"

She wailed in Linfei's arms, had already closed her eyes and shivered.

She thought about all the possibilities for Lin Fei and herself to go to the barren mountain, such as walking, running and driving, but she didn't think about flying there!

"Aren't you a flame power? Why do you go through walls and fly?"

Yun Ruoyan is full of doubts. She even suspects that there are more than ten powers on this man.

"Here it is."

Knowing that Yun Ruoyan was afraid of heights, Lin Fei drove with a faster speed and arrived at the barren mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Well? Is it here? "

Yunruoyan opened his eyes and looked around. Sure enough, he saw big trees all over the mountains and mountains towering into the clouds in the distance.

This is, really here?

"Why so fast?" Yunruoyan is frightened. Is it faster than an airplane?

She jumped from Lin Fei's arms, looked up and down at Lin Fei and said, "you have a problem."

Hands around the chest, staring at Lin Fei, and then said: "be honest, how many secrets did you not tell me?"

It's not to say that a person with one ability and two abilities at the same time is already a peerless genius.

But the man in front of me can't remember how many powers he used today.

It's through walls, it's flying. It's all very useful powers.

How envious, sour.

Lin Fei looked at her and said, "the biggest secret, I have told you."

"What is it?" Cloud if smoke thought for a while, way: "I forgot."

"I am the number one in the world." Lin Fei said.

"Ha ha ha --"

Yun Ruoyan couldn't help laughing, covered his stomach and said, "I believe it, I believe it."

Lin Fei: "to tell the truth, I don't believe it.

After laughing enough, she looked at Lin Fei and asked, "well, do you have any plans now? Just walk into the forest like this


Lin Fei nodded and went in first. What's the use of those increases if you don't come in like this?


Yun Ruoyan is scared, but when he thinks that Lin Fei can fly, he may run away in danger.

So she quickly followed Lin Fei.

"You try now, can you fly?" She asked anxiously, for fear that there was some kind of force in the forest to restrict flight.

"It won't happen." Lin Fei said seriously.

After the modifier is updated.

No one, or place, let him lose the ability to fly!

"Well, it's good to be able to fly." She caught Lin Fei's arm, just in case, in case of danger, can directly ask Linfei to take her away.


At this time, a loud noise in the forest scared the cloud like smoke.

"What is that?"

She saw a figure jumping up from the woods, and was flying towards this place, trying to attack them!

"It's a kind of puppet here."

Compared with the tension of yunruoyan, Lin Fei seems very calm, because it is not the first time to come in or meet these things.

He raised his hand, seized the leg of the puppet and slapped it on the ground with his backhand.


There was a loud noise, the mountain forest vibrated, and the ground exploded.

Wipe me

Next to the cloud if smoke was scared.

She looked at Lin Fei in horror and said, "are you a devil? So strong

That looks so strong a puppet, unexpectedly by him to shoot dead?

"You can do it without shock." Lin Fei said.

Then, I adjusted the attack of yunruoyan to 999 times.

It's like giving her a different hit and kill?

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