"No way."

Yun Ruoyan said with a bitter smile: "I am good at assisting, but not good at fighting. You can let me treat it."

She was called "Fairy Princess", not to say how flexible she was, but to say that she could heal others, which was very rebellious.

But she is relatively weak in the fight.

"I won't do it later. It's up to you." Lin Fei said so.

Let Yun Ruoyan have confidence in himself before he can ask for directions. Otherwise, Yun Ruoyan dare not go anywhere.


Hearing Lin Fei's words, Yun Ruoyan immediately glared at Lin Fei and said, "you brought me here. Now you want to throw me aside, regardless of me?"

"You scum

Lin Fei: "boom!

This is the moment.

In the forest, another shadow came, and the speed was extremely fast. The ground cracked, the trees exploded, and the leaves fell like snow.

Yunruoyan sees this, the first reaction is to hide behind Lin Fei.

But Linfei is very calm, stretched out his hand and pulled yunruoyan out. He took her as a meat shield and blocked it in front of him.

Wipe me

Yun Ruoyan was frightened and screamed.

She never dreamed that Lin Fei didn't protect her. Instead, she pulled her out as a shield?

Cloud Ruoyan heart a burst of despair.

Don't let this man go!


The puppet came near and punched Yun Ruoyan in the face with a dull sound.

Scared cloud if smoke a shiver, close eyes tightly, as if feeling his head is hammered.

"Open your eyes."

At this moment, Lin Fei's voice sounded behind her.

Cloud if smoke subconsciously opened his eyes, but saw the puppet's fist is still on the face, this is not his death?

"Do you feel pain?" Lin Fei asked her.

"No pain."

Cloud Ruoyan widened his eyes and was shocked. He even blocked the puppet's attack with his face?

"Hit it again." Lin Fei continued.


Cloud Ruoyan nodded and then obediently punched.


With a loud noise, her fist smashed the puppet in front of her, and the fist style lifted everything in front of her within 100 meters.

Cloud Ruoyan maintained the posture of boxing, staring at a pair of beautiful eyes, suddenly Leng there.


At this moment, her head has been white.

"It was me who hit the fist just now?"

"When is my mother so powerful?"

Because her powers are partial, she is not as strong as other S-level powers.

Others, even if they are not awakening forces, can break trees with one punch, and he may break his hands with one punch.

But now, you've cleared a mountain with one punch?

"I said, you can fight." Lin Fei said faintly, if you don't pull out the cloud, she never knows how powerful she is.

"Did I really do it?"

Yunruoyan still doesn't believe that when is he so powerful?

"As long as you are within 5000 meters around me, you are so strong." Lin Fei seemed to see what Yun Ruoyan thought in his heart, so he replied.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, cloud Ruoyan's eyes suddenly lit up, and exclaimed in surprise, "are you a fairy?"

The initial shock and resentment suddenly turned into excitement.

"What to do?"

"If you are so magical, I can't leave you in the future."

Lin Fei ignored her words.

He just asked, "are you familiar with this place, or is there a place for evil spirits?"

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