"Some." Yun Ruoyan said so.

Although she had never been to the barren mountain, there was always news coming to her, including the evil god.

At that time, Yun Ruoyan was very curious.

Who in the end is so clever to find the news of the evil god?

"Evil spirits are in the deepest part of the barren mountain." She rubbed her hands and even said excitedly, "rush, I'll take you."

Two minutes ago, she still liked to hide behind Lin Fei, submissive and shivering.

But now, she is full of energy and excited to go deeper into the barren mountains and fight hard.

"Then go." Lin Fei said.

Yun Ruoyan knew the news of the evil god.


At this time, there was another loud noise in the woods. A puppet came from the sky, falling like a meteorite, trying to kill people here with their knees.

"Die to my mother!"

When Lin Feicai just looked up at the puppet, there was a yell from his side. Then he saw a figure rushing up to the sky and kicking the puppet out.


Cloud like smoke fell to the ground, a face of satisfaction.

"It's cool."

"I didn't expect that one day, as a weak woman, I would be able to fight against the enemy."

Looking at her, she would like to get into the woods now and kill her so much. Lin Fei knew that it was a correct choice to bring Yun Ruoyan in.

"By the way, can I really only move within 5000 meters around you?"

"What happens out of this range?"

Yun Ruoyan suddenly turned back and asked Lin Fei, who was worried about the side effects.

"It's not going to happen, it's just going to be the same." Lin Fei replied that although 5000 meters is not very broad, it is not small.

"Well." Yun Ruoyan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "that's good. I thought I would become very weak if I went out of this range."

Lin Fei looked at her and knew that she was worried that the scope was too small.

So he quietly took out a pistol from his pocket.

"Here you are."

He tried it. The modifier not only changed the attack power of the person, but also changed the attack power of the items he held.

Even if a toothpick falls in the hand, it can also increase its attack power and become an invincible weapon.

"Thank you."

Cloud if smoke results in a gun, immediately understand the meaning of Lin Fei.

She laughed, showing a startling smile and said to Lin Fei, "you are really a good man."

Don't send a nice card to yourself.

Lin Fei, with no expression on his face, continued to walk forward.


Yun Ruoyan, who got the new weapon, was very happy. He kept wandering around Lin Fei and kept staring at the woods around him. He saw puppets and paper men, which was just a shot.

Bang, bang, bang -

as a result, gunshots were constantly heard in this barren mountain, and many puppets and paper men died on the road without even the opportunity to get close to them.

"Brother, please call me sharpshooter smoke later."

Another puppet was killed. She blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and then said.

"You're normal. I'm afraid." Lin Fei said.

"Cut, not interesting."

The cloud is as white as smoke.

At noon, the two men finally entered the depths of the barren mountain.

The sun was shining brightly, but when I walked in, the temperature around me suddenly dropped.

The modifier has been upgraded, so Linfei is insensitive, but yunruyan can't help shaking.

"It's weird here." She muttered.

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