It was cold and humid, and the ground was covered with slippery vines.

Lin Fei uses perspective to find that there are no puppets or paper men here.

There are only lush trees and vines everywhere.

Cloud if smoke heart uneasy, she subconsciously seized Lin Fei's arm, at the same time said: "do not look at me, lost is not good."

She remembered that her opponent was an evil god. No matter how, she was stronger than the S-level ability.

Even if you are strengthened, you should be careful.

Lin Fei didn't speak. He felt that there was a problem in his heart, but he couldn't see it.

"It's not a big problem. Let me have a fireball first."

If you don't make up your mind, you'll find a way out.

Lin Fei didn't want to play tricks with the evil god.

No matter what trap the other party sets for itself, it will be over by bombing directly.


Lin Fei's hand, suddenly appeared a sun, the light instantly lit up the dark valley.

The hot energy makes the water vapor rise here. Then, the vines on the ground are writhing like snakes.

Rolling on the ground in pain!

"It's disgusting." Cloud if smoke see this scene, are scared pale.

The next moment, the trees rooted here, even in a flash, pulled out the roots, crazy want to escape here!

Running tree, like a snake like vine!

Seeing this, cloud Ruoyan's face was more scared.

It's no wonder that those who come in here can't go out. There are not only paper figures and puppets outside, but also the trees and vines here!

This mountain is just like living. It is devouring the people who enter here!

"You can't stay."

Lin Fei murmured. Originally, he didn't want to use a wide range of moves, but in this situation, I'm afraid that all the flowers and grass here have eaten people!

Seeing more and more trees uprooted and ready to flee, Lin Fei threw the sun in his hands into the air.

Another round of the sun rises, the light shines on the earth.

But the next moment.


The sun exploded and turned into hundreds of fireballs, which fell like meteors and rained down, carrying out blanket bombing without distinction.

Roaring -

the barren mountains are constantly shaking. The twisted vines on the ground and the trees that are fleeing are all blown up, broken in the air, and then fall into the fire, turning into fuel and burning.

There are many big holes in the ground. Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan find that the pit is bleeding!

Cloud if smoke hesitated for a moment, said: "otherwise, we also blow up this mountain."

She knew that there was something wrong with the mountain, but she never thought that the problem would be so big that even the soil would bleed, as if the mountain was really flesh and blood.

"Besides, don't worry about finding the evil God first." Lin Fei said.

He was afraid that he would kill the evil god.

the boom continues.

But they are no longer around them. The originally cold and humid forest has become open and hot, which is completely opposite to before.

"Let's go."

Lin Fei pulls yunruoyan and strides forward. Those flames make way for Lin Fei and yunruoyan automatically.

Along the way, they came to a canyon.

Before, there were too many trees outside, so I didn't realize that it was a valley.

A cold Valley!

Cloud if smoke has been shrinking behind Lin Fei, two people continue to walk forward.

Finally, at the end of the valley, they stopped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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