Because at the end of the valley, Linfei and yunruoyan saw a dilapidated temple.

A temple, in the deepest mountain forest?

"What's going on?"

Cloud Ruoyan was shocked and said, "the mountain has only risen for a year. How can there be a broken temple here?"

"Even if the temple has been built for hundreds of years, it should not be a ruined one?"

Lin Fei looked at the temple. The perspective had been swept over and over again, but he didn't see any enemies.

"To be safe, blow it up."

He said, with a fireball in his hand.

No matter what his intrigue, a direct fireball, all sent to heaven.

"Not yet!"

Yun Ruoyan stopped him for the first time. Although he knew that there was something wrong with the temple, it was not good to destroy it directly.

"Let's go in and have a look." Yun Ruoyan said: "maybe this temple is really built by someone else? There may be something left in it. "

Listen to the words of cloud Ruoyan, Lin Fei put up the fireball in his hand.

"Let's go in." Lin Fei said.

Yun Ruoyan grabs Lin Fei's arm and keeps a high degree of vigilance at the same time.

When they approached the temple, a cold and desolate breath came to their faces immediately.

There are two statues of poisonous snakes in front of the door. They are two meters high. They seem to be alive. They look very real. Although they have cracked, they always give people the feeling that they will climb down from the pillars in the next second.

Cloud Ruoyan trembled and did not dare to take a second look.

But Lin Fei stopped. There must be something wrong with the two statues that give people such a real feeling.

"It should have survived."

He murmured, "just solve it now."

And then he took the shot. He didn't force you more. He punched one and kicked out another.

Finish you, just pull cloud if smoke into the temple.

Two people stepped on the rotten wooden floor, the floor immediately issued a piercing sound, like a critically ill person struggling.

Yunruoyan's body shakes again. He is not satisfied with catching Linfei's hand, but embraces Linfei's waist.

It's more secure.

The temple is not big. Inside it is old and old. With the light from the broken ceiling, they see a statue of a snake worshipped here.

It's colder than the two broken snakes outside!

"To offer a snake?" Lin Fei difference.

He is not from here. Maybe the myth system here is different, and the gods are different from their own world?

Thinking of this, he looked at the cloud and asked, "what God is this?"

Cloud if smoke shook his head, way: "don't know, I haven't seen."

Yun Ruoyan is a person in this world. Even she doesn't know who the owner of the statue is. So the answer is obvious.

"Then this should be the statue of the evil god." Lin Fei guessed.

Yun Ruoyan actually guessed that a snake statue in the wild mountains must be a statue of an evil god. But now she didn't know what to do, so she asked, "what should we do now?"

"Directly destroyed." Lin Fei said.

But at this moment, the snake opened its eyes and mouth.

A hoarse female voice came from the snake.

"Run away! Run away

"He's coming soon. Run!"

The voice was very anxious, as if something was really chasing it.

Lin Fei was trying to do it, but now he stops.

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