Boom -

the raised ground, like a tsunami, pours at the bullet.

The results seem to have been predestined.

How can a bullet resist the tsunami like force?

The cannonball can't work!

However, when the two collide, the lifted ground suddenly split.

The bullet, like penetrating a thin layer of paper, easily tore this piece of land and continued to rush towards the eyebrows of the evil god.


It's a bullet, really frightening?

A stone as big as a house, easily broken, a piece of earth, simply torn, the bullet is still indomitable, killing intent is not reduced.

It's really messy.

You tell me, this is a human made bullet?

It's not that we haven't seen human technology. It's all toys. There's no threat to it.

But right now.

This bullet, it broke its common sense.

At this moment, the evil god is also a little crazy, because it also encountered the incomprehensible things.

It's beyond its ability to think. I don't know why, I don't know where to go. I feel it's too supernatural.

Now the evil gods know only one thing.

That's not to die here!

The killing intention brought by the bullet made its body disintegrate, and the power in the body was boiling unconsciously.


It suddenly burst out a black light on its fist, the evil god clenched his fist and bluntly blasted towards the bullet.

The evil god's fist is surrounded by black light. The light makes its strength stronger, and makes the fist harder, impregnable and unbreakable!


There was a moment of silence in the valley when the bullet collided with the full force of the evil god.

But the next moment, there is a clear sound of fragmentation.

The bullet collided with the huge fist, and without a moment's pause, it directly tore the black light and penetrated into the stone fist.

The bullet passed through the arm of the evil god, all the stones exploded along the way, and the arm of the evil god crawled out of the crack at the speed visible to the naked eye.

That crack is like a virus, quickly spread to the evil god's head.

The evil god was even more frightened.

I can't stop that bullet with all my strength!

Not even for a moment!

"Get out of here!"

At this moment, the evil god finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart and roared out.

At the same time, all the forces inside it erupted, forming a wall in front of him.

This is all it can do to block any attack.

But the strong wall just formed, it was penetrated by the bullet, as before, it could not stop the bullet for a moment.


The evil god widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Because the bullet really penetrated its brow and flew out of the back of the head.

No pain.

But the evil god clearly felt that the vitality in his body was rapidly passing away.

It is a God, should not die, even if seriously injured, can quickly recover.

But now...

it feels that its vitality is decreasing and there is no way to stop it. It can only stand there waiting for death!

The evil God opened his eyes to see the man for the first time.

But compared with the previous contempt, arrogance, now it, a face of fear.

"Who are you?"

How can a mortal kill it? It must be a god!

"Just an ordinary man." As a result, Lin Fei said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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