average person?

Of course, evil gods don't believe it.

It wants to say more, but it has no chance.

Before it was very proud, did not want to talk to Lin Fei, and when it wanted to say, but no chance.

In its horror and despair, the body of the evil god split and then collapsed.

Like a 100 meter high statue, collapsed, set off the dust all over the sky.

Cloud like smoke is not far away staring at this scene.

That seemingly extremely powerful evil god, unexpectedly, was really killed by Lin Fei?

How could that be possible?

She looked at the man's back in shock.

Yunruoyan can't understand.

That's God!

How could it be solved with one shot?

"You, you, you, I, I..."

when she saw Lin Fei come back, she was so excited that she couldn't express it clearly.

"What, you, you, you, me, me, mine?" Lin Fei felt that she was a little confused.

"You must be a God."

Cloud if smoke suddenly shout a way.

She regained some strength and was finally able to speak.

Who can kill an evil god with a single shot, except a God?

"Only a monster can defeat a monster. The Dragon butcher will eventually become a dragon. You killed the God, so you must be a god!" Ruoyun looks at the nervous face.

The evil god gave her a cold and cruel feeling.

Besides, it is said that the change of heaven and earth was caused by gods.

Therefore, she felt that the gods had many problems, and they all looked down on human beings.

"You think too much."

Lin Fei patted her on the shoulder and said, "I have said that I am an ordinary person."

Cloud Ruoyan looks suspicious and doesn't believe it. He killed a God with one shot. How dare he say he is a mortal?

"If you don't believe it, I'm going back. Are you going?"

Lin Fei knows that Yun Ruoyan is still suspicious, but there is no good explanation for this.

Now, he wants to leave the barren mountain.

Originally thought that the evil god had Ye Yuxue's news, but he was disappointed.

He didn't want to go anywhere before Miss mask got any new news. He just wanted to stay in the magic city.


As soon as she heard that Lin Fei was going back to the meeting, she immediately answered.

Although she is still afraid of Lin Fei, she dare to go home with Lin Fei?

She still dares.

Compared with Lin Fei, she is more afraid of being alone in the wild mountains and forests.

The puppet and the paper man are all dead, but there will be no other monsters here.

For example, before, no one knew that there was a snake god in the mountain!

Although the body is very afraid of themselves, but want to go home, cloud if smoke or did not hesitate to agree to come down.

Lin Fei glanced at her, hugged her casually, clamped her in the waist, got up and flew away.

"Before I was still wondering why you can fly, now I understand, because you are God, so you can fly."

Yun Ruoyan said so.

"I'm not a God because I have so many things I can't do."

Speaking, Lin Fei has returned to her villa with yunruoyan.

Just landing, Lin Fei threw yunruoyan aside and looked at the direction of the gate with a dignified face.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Being thrown away suddenly, yunruoyan is scared and looks up at Lin Fei.

No matter whether he is divine or not, Yun Ruoyan is angry in his heart. I'm not garbage. Why should I throw myself aside so disgusted?

Even if you are a God, you have to tell us why.

However, the next moment, she found that Lin Fei was staring at the direction of the gate.

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