Will cloud if smoke protect behind, he tightly stare at a stone carving in front of him, eyes full of killing intention.

The stone sculpture is an angel with two wings on its back, but now it covers its face with both hands, as if crying.

But it's more like being afraid to see people.

After being protected by Lin Fei, Yun Ruoyan finally feels a sense of security and tightly grabs Lin Fei's arm.

She was scared.

When I first saw it, I was still in the yard dozens of meters away. No one cared about a stone carving.

But as soon as I turned around, it appeared.

He appeared behind the young man, hugged him and disappeared.

When Yun Ruoyan turned around, she saw a ferocious angel who was preparing to pounce on her.

"Don't look at it." Lin Fei said, at the same time his eyes did not move away from the angel in front of him.

If you let yunruoyan and angel look at each other for a long time, even if it is him, he can't prevent yunruoyan from being assimilated by angels.

"They say they can't kill you. I don't believe it."

Lin Fei said, a kick out, kick in the angel's head.


There was a big bang.

The angel's head flew up from his neck on the spot, then broke into pieces in the air and became a piece of powder.

The power of the second kill is still spreading, quickly crawling over the whole body of the angel.


The angel's body also exploded and turned into a powder.

Second killed here two angels, Lin Fei did not relax, he protected cloud Ruoyan step by step back.

"Close your eyes now." Lin Fei said to Yun Ruoyan.

Once heard Lin Fei's words, cloud if smoke very clever closed the eye son.

Lin Fei took a look at the powder and blinked.

When he opened it again, his eyebrows wrinkled.


The two angels, again.

As if they were all right, they stood in front of Lin Fei, covering their faces with their hands as if they were crying.

Not even seconds?

"We can open our eyes. Let's get out of here."

Cloud if smoke opened his eyes, and saw the two angels, can not help but be surprised.

She just saw clearly that Lin Fei beat them all into powder. How could they appear again.

"What's going on?" She said in shock.

"I don't know how to kill them. Get out of here now." Lin Fei said, and then swept the two angels.

Then, with his right hand holding cloud Ruoyan, he jumped up, smashed the ceiling and disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

Back home.

"One of us is missing." Cloud if smoke some sad said: "if I did not propose to take him, he would not be OK, I killed him."

She's seen a lot of dead people, and she's seen a lot of people die in front of her.

But it's not as bad as it is now.

Because that man was killed by himself.

"He's OK." Lin Fei looked at her and said, "do you remember the old man before?"

"Yes." Cloud Ruoyan nods.

"He is your friend." Lin Fei said, "he was caught by an angel and sent back to the past. That's why the old man found us today."

"He said he had a good life in the past and met people who could cherish their whole life."

"He wants to thank us."


When Yun Ruoyan heard the news, he was very shocked.

The man was sent back by the angel?

That mysterious old man is his friend!

After the shock, there was another sigh of relief.

"I wish he was alive."

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