Put down one thing, yunruoyan picked up another.

"The angel, will not die?"

She raised her head and asked Lin Fei, for she had just seen clearly that Lin Fei had kicked two angels, but in a blink of an eye, they recovered.

Lin Fei frowned, and he also thought, how should those angels deal with it?

You can't kill them by force.

Because at the moment when you see it, it is a stone. The stone has no life, so it can't be killed.

But if you don't look at it, you'll be stolen time by it.

He pondered for a long time, did not think of any good way, so he turned around and said to Yun Ruoyan, "you don't have to worry about the things behind."

This angel is mysterious, has the ability to send people back to the past, and can't be killed in seconds.

The danger is too high, he can't ensure the safety of yunruyan.

Moreover, this is the task given to him by Miss mask. Maybe it has something to do with Ye Yuxue. If he can finish it by himself, he doesn't want to drag others down.

Hearing Lin Fei's words, Yun Ruoyan was stunned for a moment.

But she was smart and didn't ask why.

He just nodded and said, "I see."

Her powers are not intended for combat. Among other S-level powers, they may heal others.

But in Lin Fei's side, it seems too chicken ribs.

Lin Fei won't get hurt. Her powers will never work one day.

If you still follow Lin Fei's side, it will only become a burden.


Lin Fei jumps up into the sky and flies towards the old villa.

He wanted to try to talk to the angels.

At first, the book records that angels are a kind of life.

Maybe we can talk.

But when he came to the villa again, the two angels had disappeared. He had kicked them to pieces, and there was a lot of dust on the ground.

But now, it's clean.

Lin Fei frowned slightly. Something terrible happened. The two angels ran away!

If they are allowed to enter the assembly...

the consequences are unimaginable.

They have to be found quickly.

And at this time, cloud if smoke did not return to her room, she knew that her strength is not very good, be despised is also normal.

But now, even if it's rejected, you can't complain.

The angel, with its uncanny power, is definitely the enemy of mankind.

She left home and went straight to the guild to report the incident to the public.

No one knows how many angels there are.

Maybe two, maybe twenty, even two hundred!

"What can I do for you, princess?"

When yunruoyan appeared, the managers in the guild immediately ran out.

"Two big things." Cloud if smoke a face dignified said, at this time, she has a cold idea, as if a high on the king's daughter, sacred and inviolable, let people fear.

"The first one is that the evil god of the barren mountain is dead, and there will be no paper man in the future assembly."

She stood in the hall and said it in a loud voice. She was supposed to be heard by others.


When people heard the news, they were shocked.

They all know that there is a God in the barren mountain. At the same time, the evil god in the barren mountain is also a sword that may fall down at any time.

Now I hear the princess say that the evil god is dead, and they can't calm down at all.

"It's true or false. You can tell it by yourself."

"Now, the second thing is more important." Said the cloud like smoke.

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