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the sound of bone breaking came from the body of the man with inch head.

But the bald man on the roof still thinks the other party is joking.

Because they have known each other for a long time, the bald man feels that he has seen the short headed man clearly. He understands the strength of the other side. He is just an ordinary monster and doesn't need any help at all.

The cuntou man was bleeding all over his body, and his mouth blood mixed with saliva.


He was dying and began to grab the angel's arm with his hand.

But it doesn't work.

It's not even flesh and blood?

As the pain on his body became more and more intense, the cuntou man struggled more fiercely, and even began to jump over the wall in a hurry, dying to fight back.

His hands gather all the powers, and then, apart, pat the angel's head.


With a strange noise, the eyes of the cuntou man suddenly widened.

His hand weakly swung on the angel's face, slapped each other, but the next second was bounced away.

The cuntou man is now like a fish lacking in oxygen. His head is raised very high, his eyes are raised, and his mouth is wide. Just the next moment, his head drops down.

He's dead.

The angel also found that the man was crushed to death, so he wanted to throw him away.

But the next moment.


Angel's head, suddenly burst open.

The angel who lost his head also died in an instant. His legs were soft and he knelt on the ground directly.

But it still held the position of holding the man with an inch in his hand. One hand was raised high and held the man with an inch in his hand.

The two are like statues, frozen here.

Blood gushed out of the angel's neck and soon gathered on the ground.

After the cuntou man was crushed to death, his superpowers still broke out. All the superpowers condensed into a little bit, exploded in the angel's head and killed it directly.

It's just that he can't see.

His waist was crushed by the angel and crumpled into a ball. Now the blood is flowing down continuously, like the water flowing down the eaves when it rains.

Die together.

"Hello, Hello, hello."

The bald man saw that the angel's head was blown up. He finally stopped watching the play and jumped down from the roof.

He was still laughing, and the wind was light.

"I can't understand your bad taste more and more. I have to make myself so dirty?"

The bald man walks towards the man with the short head, but as he approaches, he feels a bit of a problem.

The smile on the face, finally gradually convergence.

"Well, don't play. It's time for us to go. Don't forget our purpose this time."

Said the bald man, frowning.

But there was no response from the inch man.


In front of the man, the man immediately found that his head was short.

He was stunned and stood in place, unable to believe the result.

It turns out that the man with a short head is really calling for help!

He didn't save him. He killed him!

The bald man's face was bloodless. He staggered back two steps, and his brain was buzzing.

"What's going on here?"

At this time, not far away, there are a few figures quickly come, their voice is faster, the sound has arrived before the people arrive.

The bald man suddenly looked up and saw several acquaintances.

That's the rest of the s-powers in the assembly.

The task offered a reward of 100000 points. They couldn't sit still. Even at the s level, they couldn't help rushing out at the first time.

Just as soon as I came out, I saw the miserable image here. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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