It's full of devastation. It's been a great war.

Then they saw the headless angel, and the man with a short head caught in his hands.

"He's dead!"

Seeing this, several S-level powers were shocked.

That's an S-level power. He died here.

"What's going on here?"

A young man with slanting bangs looked at the bald man.

The only survivor here, only the bald man, all eyes fell on him.

The man was all taut and bareheaded.

The death of an inch head man is inseparable from him, so at this time, he does not know how to speak.

But at this time, everyone's eyes fell behind the bald man.

Even the bald man frowned and turned away.

All five of them were looking in the same direction, because there was a little boy, who was jumping up and down.

The little boy had wings, hopping and jumping, and seemed innocent.

But when they saw the little boy, they all frowned.

Because the mission of the guild is to kill the boy!

"Just kill you and it's over, right?"

When the bald man saw the little boy, he rushed up from the bottom of his heart.

He killed his brother because he was too proud.

If it wasn't for this damned task, his brother would not die in front of himself!

Bareheaded man roars, like a raging bull, running, here road vibration!

He punched out, and his figure crisscrossed with the little boy.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff,

looking back, several blood holes burst out of the little boy.

But the little boy did not seem to know the pain, and continued to hop forward until he came to the body on which the angel was kneeling on the ground.

At the same time, the little boy's wound, even in the rapid healing.

Speed visible to the naked eye!

"It's terrible just to be able to recover." Someone said in surprise.


Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan strolled around the meeting.

The little boy was not found.

"Fortunately, it did not enter the assembly." Lin Fei was relieved.

An angel, into the crowd, is the same as the wolf into the sheep, will cause great events.

"Let's go outside the rally." Yun Ruoyan said: "we must eliminate this thing earlier."

The angel does not die one day, cloud Ruoyan feels one day can not be at ease.

But before the two men started, the card suddenly vibrated.

This means that there are more urgent notices.

"Did you discover the angel's whereabouts?"

Yun Ruoyan was excited and immediately took out the card, but when she saw the content on the card, she was stunned.

Then, a burst of exclamation: "how can this be possible!"

"What's the matter?"

Lin Fei also took out the card.

When he saw clearly, he was stunned.

This is the news that an S-level power died in battle!

On the card, not only the message of death in battle is sent, but also the place of death is attached, which can be accessed through the navigation function of the card.

"Go, go and have a look." Lin Fei has no hesitation.

The opponent who can kill an S-level ability is definitely S-level or even stronger.

Most likely, it's the little boy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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