
The bareheaded man took advantage of the little boy's looking at the body, and strode forward, hitting the little boy's head heavily with a punch.

The little boy still didn't dodge.

There was only a loud noise, and the little boy's upper body was smashed.

As soon as he was successful, the bald man backed away.

The others were staring at the half body still standing, frowning and saying, "is this the end of it?"

It seems too simple?

Is it really over with a punch?

This task, but reward 100000 points!

"The guild is too nervous, but so it is." The bald man laughed and thought that the little boy would be a strong enemy, but now it seems, it is just like this.

The healing power is very strong, but when it comes to this killing power, no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

"These 100000 points are mine now."

The bald man was proud and turned to leave.

The rest of the S-level powers look weird, isn't it?

But in the moment when the public relaxed, the sudden change happened!


With a dull sound, the bald man froze in place.

Because at this time, a big fist came through his chest.

"Well, how could this be possible?"

The bald man was bloodless and his eyes were wide open. He wanted to turn around, but the fist nailed him, making him unable to move.


The next moment, the fist shook and tore the bald man in two.

He didn't even know how he died.

The rest of the s powers, too, are frozen because they just saw what happened.

Only half of the boy's body was left, but when the bald man turned to leave the moment, that half of his body was growing rapidly.

In a blink of an eye, half of the body, became a strong man more than two meters high.

He is like a stone carving, is also a bald head, just a punch, on the bald man's body.

Then a shake, the bald man is divided into two parts.

Is this the divine situation?

Several people had a little reaction, but they couldn't come.

The sudden recovery, and suddenly such a terrible power, just a blow, even tear an S-level ability!

When the bald man is solved, the angel's eyes fall on the rest of the powers.

The rest of them were immediately in danger.

No wonder the guild will reward 100000 points. This monster is really powerful.

"Be careful not to be caught by him."

Said a young man with a slanting fringe over his right eye, retreating, his figure disappearing into the air.

This is his ability to be invisible, even radar and thermal imaging can't see him.

Other people are also dignified, that kind of power they have seen, if caught, or hit, that will die.

"I have felt the pressure from the sword God." Someone whispered.


At the same time, the two wings of the storm, at the same time, a whirl of his wings.

It's just like a meteor hitting the earth with incomparable momentum.

Several people face color big change, hastily jump away, hastily avoided this blow.

"Join hands, don't be defeated by each other." Cried a man with a scar on his face.

They fell around and immediately began to fight back.

In a flash, thunder, flames, and swords are dazzling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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