It's solved.

Lin Fei is relieved. The angel can be revived and evolved. It should be the stronger one among the angels.

Now that he's dead, it's time for the angel incident to come to an end.

I haven't seen Ye Yuxue for a long time. Lin Fei hasn't eaten or slept.

If you can't eat, you can't sleep.


The several people, trembling, came over, half excited, half afraid.

Although this man saved them.

But masters have more or less strange personalities.

Lin Fei turned around and saw these people's faces nervous, thinking in his heart, is he so terrible?

"I don't know what to call the elder?" The scar man shivered.

It's hard to imagine him as an S-level ability.

Now standing in front of Lin Fei, he is like a student who has made a mistake, standing in front of the principal with trepidation.

"Lin Fei."

He did not have any airs, smile to answer them: "the forest of lush forest, fly to the sky."

Several people were stunned.

Because did not expect, Lin Fei actually answered them.

At the beginning, the sword God was very cold. No matter who looked for him, he seldom spoke.

Even if you open your mouth, you will only spit out a few words.

"Master, is this monster dead?" They asked nervously.

Only when the monster is really dead can they rest assured that they will not sleep well at night.

The ability to come back from the dead and evolve perfectly is a nightmare.


Lin Fei picked his eyebrows and was suddenly asked this way. He was also suspicious.

Are you dead?


What if it was the angel who cheated him on the ground?

"You remind me." Lin Fei decided to mend the knife, so he said, "now, back off!"

The gang were immediately taken aback.

Think the angel is not dead, and will be resurrected!

Back up quickly and run for hundreds of meters.

"It's not enough. Keep going!"

Lin Fei's voice came from afar.

These people were scared again. This time, the monster will become more powerful than ever before?

Even this elder, they are all ready for battle?!

At the thought of angel's ability, they began to worry. In case the elder was killed, who could defeat the monster?

And just when they are all tangled and nervous.

Boom and boom -

hundreds of meters away, the color of the sky suddenly changed.

Originally blue as wash, but the next moment, become blood red, even the clouds are like a fire.

There was a whirlpool in the sky, and in the eyes of people who were frightened, a meteorite slowly fell down from the vortex.

It was really a meteorite.

Although it is only one meter high, they all feel the overwhelming pressure from hundreds of meters away.

The presence of meteorites even changed the gravity here.

Except for the cloud that has been strengthened by wide area, everyone else feels like a mountain suddenly appears on their body, which makes them bend down at once.

To resist, the bones clatter.

"What is this?"

"Is this still a power? This is the power of God

Lin Fei is standing in the air with black hair. This is the meteorite he pulled with the force of cause and effect.

It's not big. He doesn't dare to pull it too big.

Otherwise, the surface could be destroyed.


The meteorite is very slow, but at the moment it collides with the ground, there is a bright light, and then the whole world is quiet. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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