Although Lin Fei has repeatedly weakened the power of this meteorite.

But meteorites are meteorites after all, and no matter how weak they are, they will not be worse.

Boom and rumble -

demons are shaking violently.

Even if it is more than ten miles away, many people in the meeting have seen a ray of light rushing to the sky.

Then there was a shaking, like an earthquake.

And the more recent S-level powers, who were blown out by the storm, were almost deafened by the huge explosion.

The previous silence was due to the fact that the meteorite had just fallen, shaking its surroundings into a vacuum.

The voice came from behind. It was like countless thunder in their heads.

Almost killed by the noise!

When the mushroom cloud disappeared, these people still felt confused in their minds.

Shaking their heads hard, they just stood up from the ground.

"What happened just now?"

They are still a little at a loss.

Just that blow, a meteorite, is absolutely the power of God!

Is this the move that the monster learned after resurrection?

It's horrible. Can that man stop such an attack? Can anyone really block such an attack?

If the man is dead, who will be the opponent of which monster from now on?

"What are you thinking?"

At this time, Lin Fei's voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

They were stunned at first, then excited.

Lin Fei is not dead!

"That monster didn't kill you?" They said excitedly, if Lin Fei is still alive, there may be a chance to defeat that monster.

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Fei looked puzzled and said, "that thing has been dead for a long time. Didn't you see it was shot dead by me?"


These people are stunned. What's the matter with the meteorite just now?

Is it a coincidence?

Did a meteorite fall down?

"Just the meteorite..." scar man did not know how to open his mouth.

"I did that, of course."


When they got this result, they were all shocked. The attack just like the real God's hand was actually attacked by Lin Fei!

"You, you are God!"

Trembling, they knelt down in front of Lin Fei.

Only by experiencing it in person can they know how powerful the power of that move just broke out.

They are sure that Lin Fei did not use all his strength in that blow.

Can his all-out strike destroy the whole demon capital?

Even the world?

It's not God. What else can it be?

"I'm human."

Lin Fei sighed and said, "I'm still looking for God."

"It hasn't appeared since I hurt it. Do you have any news?" Lin Fei asked.

But he didn't know. It was like a bomb.

Blow these people up for a while.

Even the clouds froze.

Lin Fei and God have a fight?

And beat the gods away?

In a flash, yunruoyan felt that the man in front of him became strange, and even the world became a little chaotic.

"No, I don't know."

This time, several S-level powers don't know what to do.

Lin Fei looked at them and thought that he was frightened by the explosion just now. He shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, the meteorite should be weakened by half.

But no matter how weak he was, he worried that the angel would leave a grain of ash. What should he do when he was resurrected?

"You go back."

Lin Fei wants to go. It is estimated that soon, Miss mask will find herself.

Now I have to go back and wait. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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