When Lin Fei returns to the villa with yunruoyan.

They saw that Miss mask was waiting in the courtyard of the villa.

Seeing Miss mask, Lin Fei is sure that the angel has been solved by himself.

"What about ye Yuxue?" Lin Fei asked directly.

He is thinking of Ye Yuxue day and night. If it was not for ye Yuxue, who did not know where she was hiding, he would have started.

"She's fine."

Next to him, Yun Ruoyan is under the control of Miss mask. Now she speaks instead of Miss mask.

"She has to be good." Lin Fei said in a deep voice, "if anything happens to her, you'd better figure out how to tell me."

Now he is enough to face up to miss mask.

His strength will no longer be weaker than Miss mask!

"She hasn't been able to come back yet." Cloud if smoke rigid said.

"What do you mean?" Lin Fei frowned.

At the beginning, he thought he could see the girl, but he didn't.

Later, he let himself deal with the angel, and told himself that he could not see the girl?

"Use me?" His eyes narrowed.

"Not really." Yun Ruoyan replied.

Lin Fei took a deep breath and dissipated his chill. He knew that ye Yuxue must be something important.

Miss mask is not weaker than herself, and she can solve all problems by herself.

If she wanted to deal with herself, she would have threatened Ye Yuxue.

"Tell me what you want to do." Lin Fei comes straight to the point and directly asks Miss mask.

"The road to heaven is coming."

Yun Ruoyan said: "if you go on the road to heaven, you have the qualification to face the gods. You can seize the opportunity."

Leave this sentence and miss mask disappears.

It's like it didn't appear.


Suddenly lost control, yunruoyan legs a soft, almost fell on the ground, fortunately, at the critical time, a hug Lin Fei.

When she recovered, she noticed that she was holding Linfei.

Pretty face a red, quickly let go, some embarrassed said: "just what happened, how I lost memory?"

Lin Fei looked at her and said, "you are under control."

Nothing else was said.

He was just thinking about what Miss mask had just said when she left.

Tongtian road?

Miss mask must know she's looking for gods.

Now, tell yourself that the way to find God is to help yourself?

Why did she take ye Yuxue away from her side?

Miss mask, is it an enemy or a friend?

Lin Fei is a little tangled now.

"What are you thinking?" Next to him, Yun Ruoyan finds Lin Fei in a daze. Did the mask lady control what she said to Lin Fei?

Even, what did you do?

Scared, she quickly took a few shots on her body, no pain, no strange feeling.

It must have been Miss mask who said something to him.

"What did the mysterious man tell you?" Yun Ruoyan is very curious.

What's the relationship between the mask lady and Lin Fei?

"She said the road to heaven was about to open." Lin Fei explained, "if you walk through the road to the sky, you can see the gods."

Cloud Ruoyan looks puzzled.

"Are you not a god yourself?"

Immediately, she understood and said with a smile, "do you want to open a road to heaven?"

"I'm not a God, I'm just a man." Lin Fei shakes his head.

Then he looked at Xiangyun Ruoyan and said, "if there is no accident, I will leave the magic city. We should say goodbye."

The smile on Yun Ruoyan's face immediately solidified.

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