Lin Fei is leaving?

Cloud Ruoyan suddenly some at a loss, so long, finally there is a person does not think she is a burden.

She finally found a friend.

But now, this friend is leaving.

Cloud if smoke in the heart is clear, if Lin Fei left, then she will certainly change back to the previous appearance.

Even worse.

"Can you take me with you?" She asked nervously.

At first, she could smile and say, "I can't leave you in the future, but it's all a joke. Now if you want to follow Lin Fei, she's exhausted all her courage.".

Lin Fei looked at her and said, "if you follow me, you may encounter many dangers in the future."

He's dealing with the gods now.

On the road ahead, what kind of danger is still unknown.

"It doesn't matter."

Cloud Ruoyan shook his head and chuckled, "you are not responsible for death."

Seeing that the other side was so firm, Lin Fei could only nod his head and say, "after that, you can follow me."

"You won't die, and I won't let you die."

He used the power of cause and effect to protect yunruoyan.

If he said he would not die, he would never die.

Thank you

Cloud Ruoyan hugs Lin Fei happily, and then remembers that he is a little embarrassed and quickly lets go of Lin Fei.

"Where are we going next? I'm going to pack up. "

"Not yet." Lin Fei stopped her excited.

Now the tower has not appeared, he has no purpose, so he will live here in the next few days.

This is the magic capital, and the news must be delivered faster than many other places.

Sure enough.

On the first day, the demon capital knew that the sword God had been killed.

"How could that be possible?"

"That's the sword God. It's an invincible legend!"

Many people will not believe this result, because the sword God is their faith.

However, when the guild established a spirit hall for the sword God, they could only believe that the invincible sword God had left them forever.

The whole demon was quiet for a long time.

"There is no time to be quiet." Yun Ruoyan sighed softly, and the sword God was her belief.

To believe in death is more painful than to die.

Seeing the reaction of the whole assembly, Lin Fei couldn't help sighing that the sword God must have been very powerful and brilliant.

"A mysterious master, avenging the sword God."

Later, there was a news spread out: "suspected to be the first in the world."

"Isn't being the first in the world a story?"

"The people in the border towns, desperate, wrote the story."

Compared to mythology.

They are more willing to believe in people who have seen with their own eyes, as brilliant as the sword God.

"What are your powers?"

"Why are you so strong?"

These days, yunruoyan is pestering him every day, constantly asking all kinds of strange questions.

Every day, I would like to fly out with the butterfly.

Looking at her lively appearance, Lin Fei felt much better.

Of course.

If ye Yuxue comes back, it will be double happiness.

"Well --"

after helping for months, Yun Ruoyan found Lin Fei as soon as he woke up.

"I had a dream."

She didn't wash her face. She said to Lin Fei seriously: "I dreamt of a vague figure. He told me that in half a month, there will be a passage on Kunlun mountain."

"Through that passage, you can become a god!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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