"Transmitter." Lin Fei replied that she often used this when ye Yuxue was still there.

Then she was caught and she never used teleportation again.

I didn't expect that now I would take out the transmitter for another woman.

"What's the use?" Cloud Ruoyan is full of curiosity.

"You'll find out in a minute."

With that, Lin Fei took out the remote control and gently pressed the button to transmit it on time.

The aperture immediately surrounded the two men.

"What is this?" Cloud if smoke stare big eye son, still wait to see clear aperture, see this aperture closed.

Then a light, and then see clearly, in front of unexpectedly appeared a small wooden house!

The wooden house is two stories high, clean and tidy.

"This, this is teleportation!" Yunruoyan reacted and was shocked. What means is this?

If you put one in both cities, then traffic is not a problem!

She realized it immediately.

This thing can change the fate of mankind!

Yunruoyan didn't expect that Lin Fei had such an invincible black technology. Who is he?

"This cabin is mine. Go to bed first." "I'll make you something to eat," said Lin Fei

And this time.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, a young man suddenly emerged from the soil.

His face was bloodless, covered with mud and in great distress.

But he's still alive.

"Linfei! Lin Fei

He struggled to climb up from the soil, his face full of resentment, whispered: "you really damn ah."

"If you want to kill me, I can't keep you."

Looking at the Kunlun mountain not far away, the corner of his mouth cracked, showing a cold smile.

He used his power to stop bleeding, got up from the ground and hobbled toward the village.

Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan in the cabin don't know about it.

And cloud if smoke is a fragrance to hook up.

It's a smell that has never been heard before. What is it? Green vegetables? Meat?

She climbed down from the bed and hurried out of the room. As a result, she saw Lin Fei sitting on a chair on the first floor.

"How was the rest? You're hungry. I made porridge for you

Seeing her coming out, Lin Fei asked her with a smile.

"When we're full, we should go back." Lin Fei said, "you have been sleeping for one day, and there are still three days left. The road to heaven will be opened."


Yun Ruoyan ran down in a hurry, and he even slept so long?

But when she saw the porridge, or stupefied for a moment, this is vegetables and lean meat porridge, which also put preserved eggs.

She's had the same before.

But now that I saw her, she almost cried.

It never occurred to me that Lin Fei could cook a pot of porridge for her in the time of material shortage!

When the porridge came in, she still cried.

While crying and eating, she ate the whole pot.

Lin Fei's face is inexplicable beside him. Is he making it too bad? Although not as good as ye Yuxue, but ye Yuxue used to boast about his delicious food!

Damn it.

That girl must have cheated herself!

"Thank you. The porridge is delicious." After eating, yunruoyan seriously thanks Lin Fei.

It's the best thing she's ever eaten!

"Just delicious."

Lin Fei no longer tangled with this matter, but said: "take a bath and go to Kunlun mountain with me."

They arrived in Kunlun in the afternoon.

When Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan return to the village, they find that many people are staring at themselves with bad looks.

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