When Lin Fei took yunruoyan to the foot of Kunlun Mountain, many people followed quietly.

"We're being followed in the back." Cloud if smoke whispered.

"I know." Linfei stops.

He's seen these people with mind reading.

The young man did not die, but came here to spread some rumors.

"He has three power fruits."

"The woman around him was robbed."

"He intercepted us on the way."

"He cooperated with the demons."

That youth just wants to use these people to kill themselves. Who doesn't need the fruit of power? As long as there is such a reason, these people can do it.

Not to mention the beautiful cloud like smoke, as well as the reason to cooperate with demons.

Lin Fei turns around and pulls yunruoyan behind him.

"It's not easy for everyone to get here. Don't give up all your achievements." Lin Fei advised them.

After all, the original and these people have no resentment, can not fight.

"Ha ha."

They just sneered and said, "do you really think you're going to be our opponent alone?"

Three power fruits!

As long as you can get one, you can make your strength soar.

Now the person in front of me is the fruit of the moving ability. How can I miss it?

"Are you sick?"

Yun Ruoyan understands what they mean, and his feeling is that he suddenly stares at Lin Fei and wants to kill him.

She is smart enough to guess something.

It must be the young man who came here before.

"We haven't met you again, you come to trouble!" The cloud is like the flue gas.

She had a good sleep and was full again, and now she was full of energy.

And those people.

Did not listen to cloud if smoke seriously, on the contrary is to see her, eyes suddenly light up.

Sure enough, the man was right. This woman is beautiful.

Look at her reaction, she should not be robbed, but voluntarily follow, but what?

They just need a reason to do something.

As long as you kill this man, the power fruit and the beautiful woman are all theirs.

"It's no use telling them that." Lin Fei said to Yun Ruoyan, "come back, this is the way they want to choose."

Lin Fei approached them two steps.

I didn't want to do it. Why?

"Cooperate with demons and want to dominate the world? You must die today They yelled at the unwarranted sin and killed Lin Fei directly.

The first man, in charge of thunder and lightning, was covered with lightning when he was killed. It was just like the incarnation of punishment.

But it's just near Lin Fei.


It was as if he had been hit by an invisible car. The whole person flew out, and all the lightning on his body was broken.

Bang -

the man fell in a mess more than ten meters away, played on the ground for a while, and then did not move.

"Lightning is dangerous." Lin Fei sighed.

"What's the situation?"

The others were frightened when they saw this scene. The man had just been so murderous that he suddenly flew out.

What about Lin Fei? It didn't move at all.

"This is the devil's law!"

At once, there was a loud cry, for fear that the world would not be in disorder.

As soon as other people listen to it, they immediately feel that this is true. Standing still can defeat the opponent. Is this a power?

How could there be such a power in the world?

Only those demons could have given him power!

"Let's go together!"

Someone yelled, and then they rushed up again.

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