He used only one knife to kill the enemy, so people called him a Dao immortal.

The light of the knife was so strong that he integrated into the light and killed Lin Fei in front of him.

With a knife!

He is too fast, but Linfei is faster than him.

When Lin Fei stops, Yidao Xian's knife has not fallen.


The knife in his hand was broken, cut from the middle, as if it had been cut off, the tip of the knife whirled out and stuck in the ground a few meters away.

A knife fairy was stunned.


How could that be possible?

What just happened? His knife, how suddenly broke.

He immediately looked at Lin Fei. It must be this man, but what did he just do?

"You, who are you?" Yidao Xian asked in horror.

"An ordinary man." Lin Fei answered calmly.

Kunlun Dao at the foot of Kunlun Mountain is invincible in the world. When the knife saw blood, the knife sealed the throat. But this day, a man from a distance broke the knife.


A knife fairy face is bloodless, sitting on the ground in a mess.

What is the sword technique that he is proud of?

How strong is he?

"What happened?"

After Lin Fei's death, those who want to see a knife fairy split Lin Fei are stunned.

A knife immortal's knife is broken.

He also sat on the ground in horror!

A knife fairy lost?

"It's impossible. Yidao immortal is an S-level ability. How could he lose?"

The pupils of these people are trembling.

But Yidao Xian was defeated. His feet were soft and he couldn't stand up at all.

What if Lin Fei didn't cut off his knife just now, but his head?

I can't imagine the consequences.

"Go away." Lin Fei said indifferently.

This person also listened to the rumors, to deal with themselves, naturally there is no need to give a good face, did not kick on the good foot.

"It's a great prestige."

Just then, a cold laugh came from not far away.

Who is it again?

Lin Fei looked in the direction of the voice and saw a man with white hair and waist.

He was handsome and extraordinary. He was dressed in black and had silver hair. He had a long flute in his hand. When he came, the breeze came from his side.

This man!

Lin Fei found that the strength of this man was far more than a knife immortal.

It's like two people are not in the same realm.

"He is so strong." Next to him, Yun Ruoyan couldn't help but mutter to Lin Fei: "I've felt the pressure on him from the sword God."

"He must be a SS power!"


Lin Fei's eyes brightened for a moment, because he really wanted to know how strong the SS class was.

"He is!"

And when the others saw the man, they all looked round.

Then a lot of people also rubbed their eyes hard, their eyes were red, for fear that they would be wrong.

"It's really him!"

I don't know who suddenly called out: "one of the seven people in the world, banished immortal!"

"One of the seven crowns!"

Some people knelt down and looked up to the gods.

"I have a chance to see one of the seven crowns. I'll live and die without regret." The man's eyes were full of tears.

Lin Fei was stunned at this scene.

"Seven crowns?"

He looked at the clouds beside him and said, "what are the seven crowns?"

Cloud if smoke a Leng, and then some embarrassed said: "I do not know."

All right.

It's not a family. You don't go in.

To be together, there is always something in common.

"You're done!"

Someone said to Lin Fei in a loud voice: "banish the immortal to come in person, even the immortal descends to the earth, also can't save you!"

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