They believe in banished immortals.

Seeing that Yidao immortal was defeated, they were all in despair, but who could have thought that banished immortal also came here.

Does he want to go through heaven, too?

But now, these things are not important, they just want to see the banished immortal defeat Lin Fei.

"Three emperors, six emperors and seven crowns. Now what you meet is one of the seven crowns. You wait to die!" Someone laughed loudly.

The battle record of banished immortal is too dazzling, because he once easily killed two strengthened bulls.

It's like a real immortal coming down from the earth, not stained with dust, and pierced the head of a strengthened bull with one finger.

Until the bull died, he was not touched.

This is the strength of the seven Championships!

Very close to that legendary existence.

First in the world, the legend that has disappeared for some time, he is one of the three emperors.

It's not an insurmountable legend.

Many people also think that the number one in the world is a legend, so they want to break it, so there are two people in parallel with him.

Lin Fei didn't know that.

He looked at the man in front of him and felt that he was not weak.

"Give the fruit of your powers." The banished immortal spoke in a light voice, like a gust of wind.

He also came for the fruit of the powers.

"I do have the fruit, but you have to get it yourself." Lin Fei is very calm, not worried, stronger opponents have met, what is a mere seven championships?

"Beyond our means."

The banished immortal snorted coldly and set off.

His toes gently on the ground, actually fly up, like a gust of wind, the speed is extremely fast.

It's close.

He points out his foot and wants to fall on Lin Fei's face.

This is a move he has learned. It's called Kirin foot. It's powerful enough to open a mountain easily.

Once upon a time, there was a reinforced bull who was trampled to death by him.

He had a cold look on his face. At the moment of doing it by himself, the man had already died, but it was an honor to die at his feet.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because Lin Fei raised his hand and caught his foot.


Banishment fairy eyebrow a frown, own attack, unexpectedly be in front of this person so light to block?

Before he can make the next move, Lin Fei takes a pat.


The banished immortal was caught by him, his face was down, and he clapped it on the ground.

Fortunately, Linfei has turned off one hit and one kill.

Otherwise, seven crowns will become six crowns in the future.


When Lin Fei loosed him, the banished immortal roared, raised his hand and patted the ground. His body flew up and fell in the distance.

At this time, he was covered with dust in a black robe.

His nose was crooked, and there was blood running down his nose.

In his eyes, there is fire in the beating, staring at Lin Fei's eyes, killing intention is diffuse.

"You are not my match." Lin Fei kindly reminds us that some things can't be solved by getting angry. If you want to beat yourself, you can't do it with your life.

"Don't mistake yourself."

"Ha ha."

As a result, the banished immortal couldn't listen because he knew who he was.

One of the seven crowns.

The existence under the three emperors and the six emperors.

When did you suffer such humiliation? Being photographed on the ground is not an opponent.

"Use your head today to prove my strength." He said fiercely.

The next moment, he blew the long Xiao in his hand.

A beautiful sound is flowing here, which makes many people intoxicated.

Even cloud Ruoyan is also in the dreamland, the body is rickety, it seems that at any time may fall to the ground.

Lin Fei is conscious and stands upright in the same place, feeling a little embarrassed.

Because I didn't notice anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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