Seeing others in the dreamland, the banished immortal gently put down his long Xiao.

He looked at Lin Fei and walked step by step.

He thought that Lin Fei was also hit because he had never failed.

Even those S-level monsters are hard to escape.

But the next moment.

He was stunned.

Because he saw clearly, Lin Fei woke up the woman beside her.


Wake up from the fantasy, cloud if smoke some confused, feel dizzy brain up, this is how?

"I just fell asleep?" She asked.

"You're in his fantasy." Lin Fei explained, "it should be just like when you looked at the evil gods."

"So terrible."

That being said, she did not show any fear at all.

Because Lin Fei is around, she feels safe.

"How could that be possible?"

The banished fairy looked at Lin Fei in shock and said, "how can you be ok?"

This move has never failed, and now this person has not been affected!

This is not right.

Is it a coincidence, or is he strong enough to ignore his own fantasy?

He is one of the seven crowns. There are only nine more powerful than himself. He has seen all the others except the legendary number one in the world.

Is he number one in the world?

That's impossible. Who doesn't know the number one in the world is just a false legend?

It's just a fake character written by people in the dark ages.

However, because of this nonexistent person, inspired many people, so it did not erase, let him stay in the position of the three emperors.

Now there are many talented people and many lost lands have been recovered, which is the era of human stubborn spark.

No. 1 in the world. There is only one name left.

"Who are you?" Asked the banished fairy with a frown.

This person's strength, completely can compare with six emperors, that is the SS level peak existence, but oneself really did not see this person.

Is he a master who hides himself deeply?

"Who am I?"

Lin Fei said calmly, "my name is Lin Fei. If you want to ask about the title, the trade union didn't give it to me, but many people like to call me..."

"No.1 in the world."

No.1 in the world!

The banished immortal was surprised, but soon calmed down, showing a sneer.

"Don't be kidding, a virtual character, are you serious?"

He began to retreat. Since he was sure that the strength of this man was above himself, he had no plan to continue to be the enemy.

Now, run!


Tap your toes. He shatters the ground and soars into the air.

But the next moment, Lin Fei appeared in front of him.

He said, "you're too slow."

This speed can't save people.

"You have to run faster than death."


Ye Feng stretched out his hand slightly, and a blood light pierced the heart of banished immortals.

This man wants to kill himself, and really acts, there is no reason to let him go.


Banished immortal in the air stare round eyes, this moment, he realized that he was wrong.

This man is not the strength of the six emperors, but The strength of the three emperors!

This is the existence that oneself absolutely cannot provoke.

Because, they are SSS level invincible strong, can face the corpse tide alone.


Banished immortal with regret, powerless from the air fell down, heavy hit on the ground.

With the death of the banished immortals, those who had been in the dreamland woke up.

When they saw the body of the banished immortal, they all froze, their brains were shaking, and they couldn't believe what they saw in front of them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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