"Anybody?" Lin Fei wants to know the whereabouts of the power fruit. Maybe he can ask the survivors here.

However, no one responded.

Bang Bang -

after a moment, the village suddenly became lively.

Because hundreds of zombies have crawled out of the house, they are not the same as before, crawling faster, and their eyes are still green.

"Let me do it."

The girl stood in front of Lin Fei and disposed of all the zombies.

By now, girls have become much stronger.

As long as you don't meet some high-level zombies, you can still cope with one or two hundred dollars alone, and she will be dizzy.

Because there's not enough power.

Lin Fei saw her pretty face white three points, and knew that she was going to be unable to hold on, so he took out his bow and arrow, one by one.

All the zombies were cleaned up in ten seconds.

The girl shook her head and said, "the zombies here are stronger than those in the city, indicating that there may be power fruits nearby."

Lin Fei agrees.

"Look around this village." Lin Fei said.

Then they found a forest 200 meters away from the existence. All around the forest were zombies.

A lot of zombies with green eyes.

"At least a thousand." Lin Fei's preliminary estimation.

"It should be in there." The girl said that it was not normal for so many zombies to gather around the woods.

"Go in and have a look."

Lin Fei takes the girl forward.

Boom -

when the distance was still 100 meters, both of them suddenly felt the vibration of the earth.

Like an earthquake?

"There's a big zombie in it." Lin Fei starts perspective and sees the situation in the forest clearly.

The whole body of the zombie was red, five meters high, with thick limbs and thick hands and feet.

It's a little bit like the big guy you see in the city.

Lin Fei thought that the monster in front of him should have evolved from a big one.

Behind this high-level zombie, there is a yellow fruit tree.

The fruit tree is not high, only more than one meter, golden, and there are two fruits on it, which are the same as those I just got.

But the cyan on these two fruits is fading fast.

"In a few minutes, it should be ripe." Lin Fei said.

It seemed to sense that the fruit was about to ripen, so thousands of zombies were rushing towards the fruit tree.

The big guy is blocking.

The earthquake was caused by the attack of big men.

When it hits the ground with both fists, the ground will explode, and then a dozen zombies will spin out.

"You wait here." Lin Fei said.

If he does it now, it will be a great deal of damage. I'm afraid that the fruit trees will also be affected.

So Lin Fei plans to go to get the fruit by himself.

"Well, be careful." The girl can also guess the meaning of Lin Fei. After seeing Lin Fei's power, she did not hesitate.

Lin Fei started stealth and soon came to the fruit tree.

A few minutes later, Lin Fei immediately picked the two fruits and put them into his backpack.

All right.

"Infinite power fruit!" Lin Fei was satisfied.

And with the disappearance of the two fruits, the golden fruit tree, in an instant, became a lot dimmer.

And at this moment, all the zombies stopped.

I don't know how to look at the direction of the fruit trees.

Why are the fruits gone?

Lin Fei returns to the girl, removes invisibility, takes out the composite bow and shoots with one arrow.


A zombie disappeared.

In less than a minute, there were no more zombies in the woods.

Even the big mutant was crushed by the bow and arrow!

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