After the wind dissipated, there was a silence in the whole forest. There was no corpse left. All the zombies were swept in by the strong wind brought by the arrow, and then they were easily torn up.

The four meter tall man is a high-level existence in the zombie, and the skin is harder than steel.

It has been difficult for ordinary gunfire to affect its body.

But now, the bull was just blown by the wind of that arrow, and it exploded directly.

Lin Fei took a look, the fruit tree is still there, maybe the next time when flowers and fruits, someone will meet.

"Have you got the fruit?" Asked the girl.

Lin Fei nodded and said with a smile, "you can rest assured that I handle affairs."

Then he took out two crystal clear power fruits from the backpack and washed them with mineral water. One was handed to the girl and the other was eaten by himself.

"Thank you."

The result of the girl's happiness is this power fruit.

Linfei takes a bite of the fruit. It's fresh and juicy. It tastes like a peach. Does it contain a lot of powers?

He took another bite and felt nothing.

"Maybe I'm too good." Lin Fei thought, a few mouthfuls of the fruit were eaten, and then...

"burp --"

a belch.


"Um ~"

just at this moment, he heard a strange voice from the girl nearby. Looking sideways, Lin Fei found that there was a faint blue light on the girl's body.

"Well?" Lin Fei looked at it curiously.

Blue fluorescence with cold, in the girl's side, there are snowflakes falling.

He saw that, girl, this is another evolution.

"Does this fruit really contain a lot of powers?" Lin Fei really believed this time, but he couldn't feel it.

That's why you're not a psionic.

The cold breath is dissipating. Lin Fei finds that the girl seems to have changed a lot. She was very cute before, but now she has a trace of indifference.

That head and waist of the soft hair, now in the end, turned into a light blue.

"If she gets stronger, will this hair turn completely blue?" Lin Fei guessed.

At this time, the evolution of girls is over.

She immediately shared the result with Lin Fei happily: "I seem to be more powerful. In the past, I felt dizzy when I put it once. Now I think it can be played four or five times in a row."

"Too strong." Lin Fei said, "I'm dying of envy."

Girl smell speech, white Lin Fei one eye: "perfunctory."

"You are so much better than me. What can I envy?" She said.

"It's true. I envy it anyway." Lin Fei said and took his mobile phone out to have a look. It was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Too much time in the morning at the bridge.

It took a lot of time to search for the fruit of this power in the wild. At this time, the sky was a little gloomy, and it would be completely dark in a short time.

"Find a place to sleep, or it will be open at night." Lin Fei said and picked up the girl.

After flying for a distance, the girl suddenly found something.

"There's another village down there." The girl said, "there is a light in it. It seems that someone is there."

"Go down and have a look." Lin Fei said.

He found that the world seems to be dark, a little bit fast, only five o'clock, you can see the stars.

They fell at the entrance of the village and did not see anyone nearby, but there were lights shining in the village. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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