Wind God, as the name suggests, is the awakening power of wind.

So he's very fast. Although he doesn't use his full strength, the two S-level powers are already trying to catch up with them.

Still, they have no way to get close to Aeolus.

Even, the gap between the two is growing.

"How fast he runs." Cloud Ruoyan mutters that Fengshen's speed is too fast to catch up with.

"I carry you on my back." Lin Fei said.


Yun Ruoyan was scared and said, "with your back? Not so good? "

"Don't be wordy. Come up." Lin Fei came to her and squatted down. What's the matter?

Cloud Ruoyan looks at Lin Fei's broad and strong back, and her pretty face is slightly red. Although she is shy, she still leans on it gently.

This moment, Lin Fei immediately understood why yunruoyan hesitated before.

Because it's too big.

Behind the soft, there is a faint fragrance floating.

In the past, I had no such experience when I was carrying Ye Yuxue.

But Lin Fei soon regained consciousness and said, "hold on tight."

Then, a little under his feet, he also flew up.

Originally, he could catch up with yunruoyan, but now, he still has to take those two men to the past.

At least we have to carry out the task together. It's not good to leave it on the way?

"I'm dying --"

the two men were running with their teeth clenched, and their sucking strength was used up, but the speed was still not as fast as that of Fengshen.

They can only despair to see the wind god's back gradually away.

Can't you really catch up?

It's not easy to get another chance to get close to the seven Championships.


But at this time, a gust of wind blew, both of them were shocked to find that they actually flew up.

As soon as they looked up, they found that they had been caught.

It's Lin Fei.

He was carrying one of them and was flying through the sky.

Cloud if smoke see this scene, understand why Lin Fei want to carry her.

Because he has to take these two men with him.

Just see their appearance, cloud like smoke want to laugh.

They were carried by Lin Fei by the collar, just like being caught by the neck skin of fate, there is no way.

Fengshen looked back to see if the burden was still there.

As for catching up with yourself?

You're kidding. It's impossible.

I'm the God of wind. I'm one of the seven champions. I'm SS level. I'm just a few S-level. Do you want to catch up with yourself?

It's no use going back for another 10000 years.

But before he could turn back, Lin Fei's voice suddenly rang beside him.

"Big brother, you fly so fast."

Fengshen body a shudder, in this moment, he was scared, subconsciously looking at the side.

The next moment, he was stunned.

Because he saw a man with a girl on his back and a man in one hand.

He's catching up!


What the hell can we catch up with?

Feng Shen's mind was shocked, but he quickly reflected that he was the God of wind. How could he be caught up with?

Break out!


He blew up a gust of wind, the figure disappeared in an instant, and the sound of sonic boom kept on ringing.

"I don't believe he can catch up!"

But this idea just fell, his side, Lin Fei's voice rang again.

"I say you run too fast. Why do you accelerate?"

Lin Fei effortlessly caught up with Fengshen and asked, "how far is it from the destination?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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