At this moment, Fengshen's head is really white.

With the fastest speed, this man can still keep up.

What's more, with a woman on his back and two men in his hand, in this case, catch up!

Look at his expression, it's not hard at all!

How could that be possible.

As the fastest person in the seven Championships, he lost to a man who didn't know his name.

And the two men who were carried by Lin Fei.

Now even more shocked, because he did not expect the result at all, Lin Fei even carried them to catch up with Fengshen!

It was hopeless.


The wind god suddenly stopped. A storm arose in front of him and pulled out a forest.

Lin Fei stopped at once.

But he stopped very quietly, very naturally, without a breeze.

The people in his hands and on his back did not feel uncomfortable because of his sudden stop.

"Who are you?"

Fengshen stares at Lin Fei, trying to see through the man.

"Lin Fei."

An unknown name, Aeolus frowns, he can't see through this man.


He suddenly accelerated again, picked up a tornado, blinked and disappeared into the sky.

This speed is very fast, but in front of Lin Fei, it is still not enough to see, it seems too slow.

One step out, Lin Fei has caught up with him.

It's catching up again.

Fengshen clenched his teeth and used his strength to suckle, but even so, he couldn't get rid of Lin Fei.

Until arriving at the mission site, Lin Fei followed him steadily.

The destination was in a barren mountain.

It is said that there is a power in the vicinity of the mission, saw the evil demon cave.

What is the God of the wind

Lin Fei threw the two men to the ground and squatted down to let the clouds come down.

Then he looked at the wind god and said, "an ordinary S-level ability."

Fengshen didn't believe in it at all.

Yun Ruoyan doesn't believe it. He has seen this man butcher God with his own eyes. Is this ordinary?

"The scenery here is beautiful. Where are the evil demons?" Lin Fei asked.

The evil demon family is a big enemy of mankind.

Because behind them there is an existence that is not weaker than the gods, the will of the thousand.

Fengshen stares at Lin Fei for a long time, and finally doesn't say anything. He guesses that the man is only very fast.

When it comes to strength, it must be inferior to ourselves.

He is seven crown, and this man, have not seen, let alone his name, never heard of this number of people.

So, he can't compare with himself.

"It's good to keep up with me." Think of here, he said coldly: "follow me closely, something happened, I will not care about you."

"OK, OK!"

The two men nodded excitedly, carrying out the task together with the seven crown. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The wind God did not intend to wait for them. He left this sentence and left directly.

Two men immediately followed.

"Let's go, too." Lin Fei said to Yun Ruoyan.

He and Yun Ruoyan did not know the way, and immediately followed the wind god.

But soon, Lin Fei and Yun Ruoyan saw a cave.

The cave was dark, but there was constant cold wind coming out of it.

Lin Fei is OK. He doesn't feel anything, but yunruoyan shakes for a while and subconsciously approaches Lin Fei.

The God of wind is indifferent and fearless of these cold winds.

He did not put this task in the eye at all, what evil demon clan, one foot flat. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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