Walking into the cave, the world in front of me suddenly became dark.

The cold wind is stronger.

The two S-class men were shivering and their faces were two points white.

Yunruoyan is much better because Linfei has enabled the "wide area" function of the modifier, and has given her some capabilities.

Now, her constitution has been enhanced.

Even if you throw her into Antarctica, you won't feel the cold.

"Where is this place?" Yun Ruoyan leaned against Lin Fei and looked around, but it was too dark for her to see anything.

It's not just her.

Now Fengshen is frowning, because he can't see clearly.

Even if he is a SS level power, he can only see something in the place where there is no light at all.

He thought the place was dark, but he didn't expect it to be so dark.

Do you want to quit like this?

How could that be possible?

If he retreats, where does his face go?

So he had the cheek to say, "you're following closely."

At this moment, a strange sound came from the ground in front of me.

It sounds like the ground is cracked!

Everyone stopped and looked hard in the direction of the sound.

Lin Fei is not worried, because he can see clearly that there is a human type monster crawling out of the soil.

They were bald and could not tell men from women, but their hands were long, as long as their legs, and they were landing on all fours and were crawling fast.

It's close.

The wind god suddenly saw a figure coming, which scared him a lot.


Subconsciously, he slapped and the wind roared, tearing the cave apart, but destroying the monsters.

The cave vibrated violently and seemed to collapse.

Fengshen was really scared and didn't want to stay here for a minute.

Seeing that the cave was about to collapse, his eyes lit up. It was an opportunity to escape!


Without any hesitation, he turned around and walked out of the cave.

The two s-men immediately followed. They wanted to go.

"What shall we do?" Cloud Ruoyan asked anxiously.

"Go out, don't you think it's dark?" Lin Fei asked her with a smile.

"Let's go." Cloud Ruoyan immediately pulled Lin Fei out of the cave.

They have just come out of the cave.

The cave collapsed suddenly. It can be seen that the strength of Fengshen was not small, and the cave was broken with one blow.

Because of being scared, subconsciously a move, full force explosion is not too much.

"What about the mission?"

The cave was buried, and they couldn't go further, so they couldn't finish the task.

Boom -

but just at this moment, the cave vibrated again.

"Still collapsing?"

Fengshen frowned. Did he just pierce the mountain?

"After me." Lin Fei is very calm will cloud smoke behind.


The next moment, the cave exploded, a tall figure, appeared in the cave position.

At this time, the gravel splashes, and each one has the same power as the shell.


It was just smashed, and the two S-level powers screamed out.

The place was hit with blood, and was almost pierced by a stone.

And some stones hit Lin Fei's body, all broken, can't hurt Lin Fei.

Yunruoyan is protected by him, and will not be in trouble.

Cloud Ruoyan saw this scene and was moved.

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