Lin Fei?

That may not be his real name.

People with such strength are already comparable to the six emperors. How can they be nameless?

"Don't you know my name?"

Lin Fei looked up and looked at the thousand will around the mountain and said, "my name is Lin Fei."

"You should know that." The tall head under the thousand will, with the trembling voice of heaven and earth, said, "what I want to know is not your name."

Lin Fei scratched his head and said with a smile, "a long time ago, they all liked to call me the best in the world."

How long has this title been out of use?

In this era, there is no need to be the first in the world.

Therefore, it can be said that he was the first in the world a long time ago, but now it is not, just an ordinary person who wants to go home.

No.1 in the world!


These four words, like a thunderbolt, directly split on the Aeolus and the two S-level powers.

Is this man the best in the world?

The existence in the legend?

They looked at Lin Fei's figure, and their eyes were full of shock. Could it be said that the number one in the world is more than a legend?

Is there such a person in the world?

Even yunruoyan also showed a surprised expression, although it was more than once heard that Lin Fei said that he was the first in the world.

However, in the presence of this ancient god, he even said that he was the first in the world.

Is Lin Fei really the best in the world?


The wind god gnaws his teeth and says that the world's No. 1 doesn't exist. It's just a legend made up of nonsense.

It's just that because it's spread all over the place, it's been said more and more exaggerated.

This man just wants to satisfy his vanity with the first name in the world.

"Ha ha."

The wind god sneers in the heart, how can there be such a shameless person in this world, even use the name of a nonexistent person.

"The best in the world?"

"Hahaha --"

the will of thousand laughs loudly.

"Well, you're really strong, but you're too rampant. You don't know how many strong people there are in the world."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "yes, I feel the same way."

The title of the first in the world was not given to him by him.

He has always felt that there are people outside and heaven outside, and there must be something stronger than himself.

"It's kind of interesting."

Qian Zhi will look down at Lin Fei, thinking that he should pit Lin Fei before he dies.

Let him understand that no matter how strong a person is, it can't be invincible.

So he said, "since you say you are the best in the world, I will attack this city in three days."

"I hope you can lead people to live."

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed and said, "is that to fight?"


The head of thousand will suddenly opened, like a bud suddenly blooming, but a fiery red column of light, is directly from its head out.

Hiss ---

the light passed over the mountain, and before touching it, it melted the mountain directly.


Cloud Ruoyan exclaimed with worry.

The light was fast, but it was too slow in front of Lin Fei.

As the light approached, he raised his hand slightly, and immediately there was a tiny fire from his fingertips.


His fire light how small, but directly tore open the light column of thousand will.


The light of fire pierced the head of thousand will.

All over the sky, the head of thousand wills smashed heavily on the mountain and died. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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