Thousand will is dead.

But this is still a separate body, it hit the mountain heavily, and then began to disintegrate.

It is like being completely burned to ashes by fire. With a gentle wind, the body of thousand wills will be broken immediately, and pieces of black ashes fly to the sky.

The wind god kneeling on the ground, as well as the two men, all stare round their eyes.

This and that thing has not yet put out their hands, just talk, they will be suppressed kneeling on the ground can not get up.

You can see how powerful this thing is.

But now, Lin Fei beat the other party with one move.

To be precise, it was a move that killed the other party.

What's the situation?

They looked at Lin Fei's back and were shocked and speechless. Who was he?

Is it really the best in the world?

But it's impossible. The number one in the world doesn't exist. It's just a fictional character.

But one thing is certain.

The man in front of him is at the level of six emperors.

A new six emperors?

Wind god gnashing teeth from the ground to stand up, eyes are all unwilling and jealousy, why not yourself?

I also want to have such a powerful power.

At the thought that there would be two people standing on their heads in the capital of such a great emperor, Fengshen's heart was even more angry.

"No, he has to get out of here."

Fengshen thought that he was not his opponent, so he would stink his reputation and let him leave the imperial capital.

If there are two emperors in a city, they will be forgotten.

When that happens, all the benefits will be reduced.

He must not be left in this place.

As for the disaster three days later, Lin Fei didn't need to do anything. It just let him show his skill and gain more trust.

Lin Fei turned around and went to Yun Ruoyan and asked, "are you ok?"

Cloud if smoke shook his head and said: "it's OK."

Lin Fei looks at Feng Shen and those two S-level powers.

After a look at Fengshen, he has stood up with a little dust on his body, and his face is a little white, but he doesn't seem to be hurt.

And those two s-powers are not so lucky.

Their chests were hollowed out by the stone, and the blood flowed across them. They would still lie on the ground and could not stand up.

It's terrible.

Lin Fei couldn't look down, so he raised his hand and gave them a mouthful.

Although he has the highest output, can kill a second, but has always been a wet nurse's heart.

But it's a pity that no one's output is better than yourself, so you can only be honest as an output, and put your heart into a position of being a wet nurse.

Now there's a chance.

There was a green fluorescence in his hand falling down on the two men.

Their pale faces immediately turned red.

"Why? What's going on? "

Two people a face of surprise, how to feel the pain on the body subside.

Looking down, I found that the injury was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it has healed more than half!

The pain, too, disappeared completely.

They quickly got up from the ground, and then found that it was Lin Fei who was helping them.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

When the injury healed, they felt the strength of their bodies was much greater. They punched the air twice and found that the speed of their hands was also much faster.

"You did it all?

Two people stare at Lin Fei in front of their eyes, what means are these?

Come back from the dead?

Is this a fairy?

Besides, Fengshen looks at this scene with dignity. Does this person still have the means of treatment?

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