"The task is finished. Go back."

He said that he didn't want to submit the task as soon as possible.

But he has already figured out how to deal with Lin Fei. The time is only three days. He must seize the time to arrange.

As long as Ye Feng's reputation stinks, he will definitely leave here within three days.

At that time, they will be the only ones who can save the capital.

"Go back."

Lin Fei said to Yun Ruoyan that if you remember the way when you came, it's easy to go back.

He flew away with the cloud in his arms. As for Fengshen and the two S-level powers, he didn't want to take them.

Not without legs.

Now that the mission is over, they walk back slowly without any problems.


Fengshen also moved, one foot on the ground, like a flash of light out, he wanted to catch up with Lin Fei.


He can only see Lin Fei's back getting farther and farther away. Even if he uses all his strength and takes out the fastest speed, it is no use at all.

There is no sign that the distance will be shortened at all.


The wind was so angry that he burst into abuse.

Chen Feng's speed exceeded the speed of sound dozens of times, more than ten kilometers away, but in the blink of an eye it was over.

When he came to the guild, he received the reward and left.

And in a few minutes, the wind god just rushed back.

As one of the seven crowns, Fengshen immediately attracted many people's attention when it appeared. Seeing the wind god covered with soil and white complexion, many people were frightened.

How can the graceful and unparalleled Fengshen have such an awkward posture?

"What happened?

The staff in the guild asked Fengshen in a hurry.

"It's OK."

Fengshen was very dissatisfied and said, "it's just that some people didn't do anything when I tried my best to fight against the evil demons."

He spoke out loud on purpose to attract other people's attention.


Sure enough, his voice just dropped, so that many people in the guild were shocked.

"What a shame?"

"Fengshen killed the enemy in front of him, and he didn't do anything? Is this still human? "

"Fengshen, name this man."

Hearing these voices, Fengshen smiles and thinks that it is not easy to kill Lin Fei in his own status?

Everyone in the imperial capital knows himself. After all, he is one of the seven crowns.

But what about Lin Fei?

How many people know Lin Fei in the whole capital?

"This man's name is Lin Fei." Feng Shen said, "he also has a girlfriend named Yun Ruoyan."

"They're just refugees from other gatherings."

He laughed and said kindly, "after all, I just came here. Maybe I have my own difficulties."

Fengshen pretends to be kind and considerate.

"How can this work?"

When they heard this, they were more dissatisfied.

"Such rubbish, and girlfriends?"

"Maybe it was because he didn't do the work that he was abandoned by other gatherings and let him come here in exile."

"It is suggested that his reward should be recycled and a notice should be issued to warn people!"

A lot of people said out loud.

The guild thought for a while, and the one who agreed nodded.

Fengshen, one of the seven champions, certainly won't cheat them. If he says that Linfei has problems, then Linfei must have problems.

So they quickly compiled the content and sent it to Lin Fei.

Just found a place to live in the imperial capital, Lin Fei received the news.

Take it out and look at it. Lin Fei looks surprised.

"What's the matter?" Cloud Ruoyan asked.

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